3月8日,在两会记者会上有外媒记者提到南海问题, 王毅回应:历史终将证明,谁只是匆匆过客,谁才是真正的主人。
Its stubbornness is clearly the result of behind-the-scenes instigation and political maneuvering. This so-called arbitration has become tainted and gone astray, and China is not going to humor it...Over the years, the South China Sea has seen colonial invasion and illegal occupation. Now, some people are trying to make waves, some others are showing off force. However, like the tide that comes and goes, these attempts will not make any impact. History will prove who is a mere visitor and who is the real host.
Japan"s wrong approach to history and other issues in recent years has dealt a body blow to China-Japan relations. Thanks to the efforts of wise people on both sides, there are signs of improvement in the relationship, but I don"t see any grounds for optimism. On the one hand, the Japanese government and leaders say nice things about wanting to improve relations. On the other hand, they are making trouble for China at every turn. This is a typical case of double-dealing.
China and Japan are neighbors facing each other across the sea and there is a tradition of friendship between our people. Of course, we want to see real improvement in China-Japan relations. But as a saying goes, to cure a disease, you have to address the underlying problem. As far as China-Japan relations are concerned, the underlying problem is that some politicians in Japan have the wrong perception about China. Do they view a growing China as a friend or a foe, a partner or an adversary? The Japanese side needs to give serious thought to this question and make the right choice.
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