“Ogygia” isn’t an Arabic word, it’s Greek. First mentioned in Homer’s “The Odyssey,” Ogygia is the name of the island home of the Nymph Calypso, daughter of the Titan Atlas (the guy Greeks believed held up the sky). In the epic poem, Greek hero Odysseus lands on Ogygia during his wanderings, and quickly becomes Calypso’s lover before finding himself trapped by Calypso’s semidivine superpowers. She holds him prisoner -- basically her sex slave -- for seven years before finally being commanded by the Gods to release Odysseus and let him resume his quest to return home to Greece.
最后提醒大家,不是所有的英语材料都适合用来学英语,材料的选择要从个人的水平和兴趣出发,别最后英语没学到,剧也没看好。如果要把美剧当作学习材料进行刻意练习的话,它和其它材料一样,会难免变得枯燥 -- 因为英文学习必不可少的一个环节是:重复,重复,再重复。选取自己感兴趣的、不需要费心情节的剧可以稍微缓解一下这种枯燥。
我们也不必把每一集都当英语教材来学,就跟精听和泛听一样,要死磕也要学会live with it。不要一开始就要求自己100%的可以看懂一个剧,听懂里面的每一句话,在自己现有的能力和目标水平差距较大时,完美主义是一个陷阱 (Don"t bite off more than you can chew!)
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