Caught Mid-Clean
What better way to ease out of the work week and jump into the start of the weekend than with some adorable, cute cats?
What makes these cats even cuter is well, they forgot to do one thing — put their tongues back in!
He looks like he either can't put his tongue in (which is possible) or you caught his mid-groom.
ou Interrupted.
This little cutie looks like he for sure was just giving his paw a clean and is now upset you've interrupted.
I used to wonder why or how cats could just sit there like that, but turns out it’s kinda common and usually done for 1 of 3 different reasons.
1. They forgot: Cats spend a lot of time grooming so their tongue is out licking their fur. You may either just see a quick moment as they look up and you catch them with their tongue out, or they simply forgot to put it back in their mouth.
1. 它们忘了:猫咪花很多时间梳理毛发,这样它们会伸舌舔毛。你也许恰巧在它们抬头看你时瞥到它们的舌头伸在外面,或是它们就是忘了把舌头收回去。
2. They're relaxed: Some cats get into this really groovy state of being relaxed and their jaw muscles relax or their tongue falls out when they’re asleep.
2. 它们感到放松:一些猫咪会进入这种非常惬意、放松的状态,因而它们舒展頜部肌肉,或是睡着了舌头垂了下来。
3. They're sick or injured: Some medical conditions can have your cat unable to keep their tongue in. If you notice them doing it all the time, it may be worth a visit to the vet.
3. 它们病了或者受伤了:你的猫咪不能把舌头收进去也许是健康原因导致的。如果你注意到它们的舌头老伸在外面,那么可能你应该带它去看兽医了。
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