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i need your love i need your time什么歌 完整歌词介绍

来源:亲亲我音乐 2018-05-11 17:06 /

  “i need your love i need your time”是最近抖音里很火的歌曲哦,连可爱的表情包都有了,那么i need your love i need your time什么歌?i need your love歌词介绍。

  i need your love i need your time什么歌

  《I Need Your Love》

  I Need Your Love试听地址介绍:QQ音乐

  《I Need Your Love》歌词

  Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Love

  I need your love

  I need your time

  When everything's wrong

  You make it right

  I feel so high

  I come alive

  I need to be free with you tonight

  I need your love


  I need your love


  I take a deep breath every time I pass your door

  I know you're there but I can't see you anymore

  And that's the reason you're in the dark

  I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart

  And I feel so helplessly

  Watch my eyes are filled with fear

  Tell me do you feel the same

  Hold me in your arms again


  I need your love

  I need your time

  When everything's wrong

  You make it right

  I feel so high

  I come alive

  I need to be free with you tonight

  I need your love


  I need your love


  Now I'm dreaming, will ever find you now?

  I walk in circles but I'll never figure out

  What I mean to you, do I belong

  I try to fight this but I know I'm not that strong

  And I feel so helplessly

  Watch my eyes are filled with fear

  Tell me do you feel the same

  Hold me in your arms again


  I need your love

  I need your time

  When everything's wrong

  You make it right

  I feel so high

  I come alive

  I need to be free with you tonight

  I need your love


  I need your love


  All the years

  All the times

  You have never been to blame

  And now my eyes are open

  And now my heart is closing

  And all the tears

  All the lies

  All the waste

  I've been trying to make a change

  And now my eyes are open


  I need your love

  I need your time

  When everything's wrong

  You make it right

  I feel so high

  I come alive

  I need to be free

原标题:I Need Your Love
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