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抖音耀阳创作的原声是什么歌 经典老歌《Boom Clap》歌词

来源:qq音乐 2018-04-13 17:12 /



  这首歌是叫《Boom Clap》,是由Charli XCX演唱的歌曲。

  Boom Clap - Charli XCX

  Written by:Aitchison/P. Berger/Fredrik Berger/Gräslund

  Boom boom boom clap

  You're picture perfect blue

  Sunbathing on the moon

  Stars shining as your bones illuminate

  First kiss just like a drug

  Under your influence

  You take me over you're the magic in my veins

  This must be love

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  No silver or no gold

  Could dress me up so good

  You're the glitter in the darkness of my world

  Just tell me what to do

  I'll fall right into you

  Going under cast a spell just say the word

  I feel your love

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  You are the light and I will follow

  You let me lose my shadow

  You are the sun the glowing halo

  And you keep burning me up with all your love uh

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

  Boom clap

  The sound of my heart

  The beat goes on and on and on and on and

  Boom clap

  You make me feel good

  Come on to me come on to me now

原标题:Boom Clap
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