Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms
This fated love of forever and a day—
Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away?
Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay?
Those days bygone and labyrinthine—
Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine?
Who was in the peach orchard, raising flowers divine?
这段译文,是小编的最爱,没有复杂的用词,但在音律的铺设上明显很用心思,颇显功力。Labyrinthine(迷宫似的,曲折的)尤其用得妙,一来起韵脚为后面的 pine 和 divine 开道,同时也意喻情缘之纠缠迷醉,一箭双雕。
His highness your father is my heart, my soul, my precious, my sweet. How would I not want him?
It is the season when peach trees come into full bloom. Over hills, over vales, acres of peach trees parade acres of peach blossoms, radiant and sweet.
这句译者为了丰富画面感,是明显的意译。“Over hills, over vales” 直译应该是满山满谷,丰富了“十里”的意象。“parade” 是“展览、招摇过市”的意思,此处用作动词,可以想见桃花在枝头烂漫招摇的画面。“灼灼”就是“明亮”的意思,所以用了 “radiant”。“sweet”有“芳香”的意思。
In the lush spring of March, the radiant peach blossoms bloom, like rosy mists and blushing clouds. However many blossoms there are, it is enough to have just one, to be cherished in one’s heart.
烟烟霞霞用的是“rosy mists and blushing clouds”, 意即瑰色的氤氲和绯红的云霞,见字如见景。第二句中得“are”与“heart”押韵,中间断了一句,成了一个玲珑的三行诗,也呼应了原句的结构。
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