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2018考研英语一大作文押题预测 考研英语大作文预测答题模板

来源:新东方在线 2017-12-22 10:19 /

­  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

­  In the picture, there are five men who are pushing blocks. Among them, four are working hard on square ones, and other one is working with ease on a round one. The men working on the round block is way ahead of the rest. Behind him there are some scrapes and a knife stuck into the ground. Obviously, he has cut his square block with the knife into what is now a ball.

­  The picture is trying to tell us that it is not enough to work hard. One needs to work smart. Many jobs do not just need strength and labor, but need ingenuity (独创性), too. Sheer investment of time and energy has become an outdated way of work. Actually, to accomplish a lot of work in a short time is the dream of humans from the very beginning. If we review the history of human civilization,we shall find that pursuit of efficiency is the driving force (推动力)behind many inventions. We’ve invented the wheel to travel faster. We’ve invented the computer to achieve rapid calculation. And we’ve invented the Internet to make the globe a small village.

­  In the age of innovation and rapid technological advances, many jobs do not need as much strength and labor as they used to. A feasible new idea is able to help us greatly save labor and improve efficiency. Just as the caption says, “Be not just diligent;be also ingenious in your work!”

­  译文:

­  如图所示,五个人正在推物体,他们中有四个人在努力推动方形块,另一个人很轻松地推动一个圆形块,并且遥遥领先。在他身后的地面上有一点碎屑和一个工具。很明显,他用工具将方形块变成了圆形。

­  这幅图试图告诉我们仅仅努力工作是不够的,一个人需要聪明地工作。很多工作不仅需要力量和劳动力,同样也需要独创力。单纯的投入时间和精力的工作方式已经过时了。实际上,短时间内完成工作是人类最初的梦想。如果我们回顾人类文明的历史,就会发现追求效率是很多发明背后的推动力。人类发明了轮子来快速运输,发明了电脑以实现快速计算,发明了电脑将世界变成一个地球村。

­  在这个技术进步迅速的时代,大多数工作不像以前需要枯燥的体力劳动。一个可行的新想法能通过提升效率为我们节约宝贵的时间。正如标题所说:“工作中不仅要勤劳,更要有独创性!”

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