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2018考研英语一大作文押题预测 考研英语大作文预测答题模板

来源:新东方在线 2017-12-22 10:19 /

­  今年考研英语一大作文会考什么?根据历年考察的热门话题来看,新东方在线预测今年英语一大作文会在职业素养与素质、社会民风、教育、环境、文化、人生哲理、网络科技七大类话题中出,大家不妨多背背相关素材范文。下面是职业素养与素质类话题的一些素材范文:

­  1、创新

­  Sheer investment of time and energy has become an outdated way of work.

­  纯粹投入时间和精力的工作方式早已过时了。

­  If we review the history of human civilization, we shall find that pursuit of efficiency is the driving force (推动力)behind many inventions.

­  如果我们回顾人类文明的历史,就会发现追求效率是很多发明背后的推动力。

­  A feasible new idea is able to help us greatly save labor and improve efficiency (极大地节约劳力、提高效率).

­  一个可行的新想法能帮助我们极大地节约劳力和提高效率。

­  Routines are always precious experiences (宝贵的经验), but sometimes we have to break the routine(打破常规) to find more appropriate ways to be in line with (符合)the actual reality.

­  惯例常常是宝贵的经验,但有时我们需要打破常规,寻找更符合现状的、更恰当的方式。

­  Even the most advanced methods will drop behind (落伍)one day, and even the wisest mind will be the obstacle to new things if it is confined by (受…禁锢) a certain mode.

­  再先进的方法,终究会有落伍的时候;再智慧的头脑,一旦被一种模式禁锢,也会成为阻挠新事物产生的顽石。

­  Only when we don’t stick to (拘泥于) inherent routines and be diligent in thinking and innovating can we make a brand new life.

­  我们只有不拘泥于固有套路,勤于思考,努力创新,才会打造出全新的生活。

­  2、善于思考、打破教条、考虑现状

­  Likewise, dogmatic beliefs, inconsistent with (与…不符)empirical reality, would impede individuals from (阻碍)achieving their goals.

­  同理,与经验现实不符的教条观念会阻碍人们打成目标。

­  To break from the blinkered (思想狭隘的)mindset of dogmatism, one should tune into (注意,了解)what’s going on and keep in rhythm with (保持与…节奏一致)changes in daily living.

­  要打破教条主义的狭隘思想,就要了解周遭正发生着什么,与日常生活中的变化保持节奏一致。

­  Meanwhile, it is imperative to approach alternative views with an open mind rather than becoming a prisoner of your own myopic (目光短浅的)mental model.

­  同时,须以开放的思想对待各种不同观点,勿做短浅自我思维之囚。

­  3、脚踏实地、采取有效行动

­  When looking for a job or pursuing other goals, young people tend to aim high, but not put their thoughts into action (好高骛远,没有付诸行动).

­  在找工作或者追求其他目标时,年轻人往往好高骛远,而不将自己的想法付诸行动。

­  What’s worse, they are beginning to adopt a cynical attitude (愤世嫉俗的态度)towards life, complaining about unfairness brought upon them.

­  更糟糕的是,他们会因此产生愤世嫉俗的生活态度,抱怨生活对他们的种种不公。

­  The unwillingness to take effective measures for the dream may lead to permanent failure in one’s personal and even affect the development of a country.

­  不愿为实现梦想而采取有效行动不仅会导致自己人生的永远失败,甚至会影响整个国家的发展。

­  4、调查研究

­  Before taking actions ,we should do adequate investigation so as to have a definite object in view and then choose the most suitable way. Otherwise, our efforts will be futile (无效的,无用的).

­  我们在做事之前要做好充分的调查研究,才能有的放矢,选择最恰当的方式做事。否则,我们将会徒劳无功,一无所获。

­  Any success depends upon previous preparations, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.

­  凡事预则立不预则废。

­  To avoid the embarrassing (令人尴尬的)situation of “milking the bull”, we should keep in mind that advance investigation is absolutely necessary. Our endeavor will pay off (取得成功)only when we are moving toward the right direction guided by the result of our research.

­  为了避免类似于“公牛挤奶”的尴尬情景发生,我们应当谨记:调查研究必不可少。只有在调查结果的指引下,选对了方向,我们的努力才能得到回报。

­  高分范文

­  Directions

­  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

­  1) describe the drawing briefly,

­  2) explain its intended meaning,and

­  3) give your comments.

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