4. Your lucky day (not)
There's always the classic supergluing coins to a busy sidewalk spot and watching people try (unsuccessfully) to pick them up. Just don't follow this prankster's lead, leave wet glue on the ground, and cause a panic. There were some fake bills floating around my neighborhood last month and I was psyched out literally every time I saw one… and every time I would laugh and think, “Dammit, you got me again!”
5. Yummy office supply salad, courtesy of Jim Halpert
Jim was prank master on The Office, constantly besting Dwight in their battle of the wits. As the show progressed, he moved on to more epic, long game mischief, but at the end of the pilot he makes jello with Dwight's stapler, and it's one of the cleanest, most delightful gags of the entire series. In real life, though, this prank is probably best played on a friend. 在《办公室》这部情景喜剧中,Jim是里面的恶作剧大师,在与Dwight的战斗中,他屡战屡胜。他曾将Dwight的订书机放到了果冻里。在现实生活中,这种恶作剧最好与朋友一起玩。
6. Soap that just won't lather
Do you have an anal retentive roommate? Does she stare you down whenever you eat without a plate? You know what they say — revenge is a dish best served in the shower! Cover your uptight roommate's soap with a healthy coat of clear nail polish, and she'll be flummoxed as to why she can't lather. Ah, good clean fun。
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