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《十三个原因 第三季》电视剧插曲Miss U谁唱的完整歌词介绍

来源:qq音乐 2019-08-26 17:00 /

  《十三个原因 第三季》电视剧插曲Miss U谁唱的完整歌词介绍

  Miss U - Charli XCX

  Lyrics by:Charli XCX/Noonie Bao/Linus Wiklund/Madison Love

  Composed by:Charli XCX/Noonie Bao/Linus Wiklund/Madison Love

  I love you

  It's obvious but people can change

  We got bruised

  We left things undecided and now we're two people

  We're standing in the city rain

  But we're brand new

  We turn our backs and walk away

  Even though we're through

  I'm always here for you

  I know you feel it too

  I'm telling you the truth

  Some nights I go back there

  Right back where we used to love

  Think I messed up somewhere

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know why I keep running

  Don't know why I keep running

  So far

  I'm on the other side of the globe

  With new friends

  With someone else asleep in the sheets

  But I got you yeah

  Locked up in a part of my brain

  Forever yeah

  I can't forget my memories no

  Even though we're through

  I'm always here for you

  I know you feel it too

  I'm telling you the truth

  Some nights I go back there

  Right back where we used to love

  Think I messed up somewhere

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know why I keep running

  Don't know why I keep running

  Sometimes I miss you when I'm all alone

  And even though we both moved on

  Sometimes I play your favourite song

  I play it on and on

  And I I miss you when I'm all alone

  And even though we both moved on

  Sometimes I play your favourite song

  I play it on and on and on

  Don't know what I keep running from

  All I know all I know

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know why I keep running I miss you

  Don't know what I keep running from

  I miss you I miss you I miss you

  Don't know what I keep running from

  Don't know why I keep running

  Don't know why I keep running

原标题:Miss U
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