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Ed Sheeran艾德希兰新歌Castle on the Hill歌词

来源:qq音乐综合 2017-01-09 10:19 /

Ed Sheeran艾德希兰新歌Castle on the Hill歌词

Castle on the Hill 歌词

  Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran

  Written by:Ed Sheeran/Benjamin Levin

  When I was six years old I broke my leg

  I was running from my brother and his friends

  Tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down

  I was younger then take me back to when

  I found my heart and broke it here

  Made my friends and lost them through the years

  And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long I know I've grown

  But I can't wait to go home

  I'm on my way driving at 90 down those country lanes

  Singing to Tiny Dancer

  And I miss the way you make me feel it's real

  When we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

  Fifteen years old and smoking hand rolled cigarettes

  Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends

  Had my first kiss on a Friday night

  I don't reckon I did it right

  I was younger then take me back to when

  We found weekend jobs when we got paid

  We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight

  Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long oh how we've grown

  I can't wait to go home

  I'm on my way driving at 90 down those country lanes

  Singing to Tiny Dancer

  And I miss the way you make me feel it's real

  We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

  Over the castle on the hill

  One friend left to sell clothes one works down by the coast

  One had two kids but lives alone one's brother overdosed

  One's already on his second wife one's just barely getting by

  But these people raised me and I can't wait to go home

  And I'm on my way I still remember these old country lanes

  When we did not know the answers

  And I miss the way you make me feel it's real

  We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

  Over the castle on the hill

  Over the castle on the hill

  Castle on the Hill

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