You can forget the screening rooms and press junkets - the main action at Cannes is going to be on the red carpet and at the endless parties.
Rihanna and Cara Delevingne are among those heading to the waterfront as a social whirl engulfs the town.
Neither has a film showing - but Cara is the face of a new ice cream launch and Rihanna is hosting a late-night party.
Each country will also have a tent along the seafront, so you can expect an array of famous faces to be popping in to the soirees being held there, as well as those on the shoal of superyachts that will be fringing the festival.
3. Tight security
Security at this year’s Cannes is higher than ever. Which is not surprising given the recent attacks in France, including last summer’s horror in nearby Nice, where a man drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.
A row of 400 concrete barriers disguised as giant flowerpots have been installed to stop a similar vehicle attack during the festival.
Police have invested in 160m of spiked chains that could stop a truck and have extra forces working during the festival. In addition, there are 550 security cameras - one for every 140 inhabitants of Cannes.
A festival spokeswoman said the measures were to "guarantee the festival-goers’ optimal security" while "taking care not to disrupt" the event.
4. Actors going behind the camera
This year, we’ll be seeing Kristen Stewart, Robin Wright and Vanessa Redgrave step behind the camera and turn their hands to directing.
Twilight star Kristen has made a short film called Come Swim, which she has described as being about a man in his 30s in the throes of "full-on heartbreak".
因《暮光之城》系列成名的克里斯汀·斯图尔特拍摄了一部名为《来游泳吧》(Come Swim)的短片,该片讲述了一位30岁的男子经历的“不折不扣的心碎经历”。
Robin Wright has also directed short film - The Dark of Night - about a woman seeking refuge from a storm in an isolated diner.
罗宾·怀特也执导了一部名为《夜的黑暗》(The Dark of Night)的短片,讲述了一名女子在一家人迹罕至的小餐馆中躲避暴风雨的故事。
And Redgrave is presenting Sea Sorrow, a documentary about the refugee crisis. The actress and activist says she was spurred into action by seeing images of the body of Syrian child Alan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach.
雷德格瑞夫则是关于难民危机的纪录片《悲伤之海》(Sea Sorrow)的导演。身兼演员与活动家身份的雷德格瑞夫表示,自己在看到叙利亚幼童阿兰·库尔迪的尸体浮上土耳其海滩的照片后大为震动,决心投入该片的拍摄。
As a side note - Jupiter’s Moon, competing for the Palme d’Or, also looks at the refugee crisis.
5. Big buzz about the small screen
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