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来源:新东方在线论坛 2017-02-06 15:28 /

­  Less than two weeks into Donald Trump"spresidency, it seemed the only news from here onout would be political.

­  特朗普上任不到两周,所有的新闻似乎都来围绕着政治。

­  The new president and his flurry of executive ordersand swift-moving, substantive changes to US policyand procedure seemed to leave little oxygen for anyother headlines.

­  这位新总统和他的一连串行政命令,以及美国政策程序迅速发生的实质性转变似乎不给其他任何新闻头条留下一席之地。

­  But even President Trump lacks the star power ofQueen Bee.

­  但即使是总统特朗普也不具备碧昂斯女王那样的明星效应。

­  Prior to the inauguration, some fans joked that Beyonce should drop an album as Trump wasbeing sworn in, and in doing so steal the spotlight from the new commander in chief.

­  在就职典礼之前,一些粉丝就开玩笑称碧昂斯应该在特朗普宣誓就职时抛出一张专辑,这样就可以抢走这位新总统的风头。

­  Beyonce did one better: she announced, via a resplendent photo on Instagram, that shewould be dropping something else - two something elses, in fact.

­  碧昂斯做得更胜一筹:她通过Ins上一张华美的照片宣布她放了别的大招——事实上,还是两招。

­  That"s right - Beyonce is having twins. And the news has been welcomed by more than eightmillion of her followers - making it Instagram"s most-liked post of all time.

­  没错——碧昂斯怀了双胞胎。这则消息收获了800多万粉丝点赞——成为Ins上有史以来最受欢迎的照片。

­  In her photo announcement on Wednesday, Beyonce posed in just a bra and panties in anethereal shot while surrounded by flowers and cradling her bump in an Instagram post.

­  1日,碧昂斯在Ins上发布了一张仙气十足的照片公布该消息,照片中她身穿胸衣和内裤,轻轻地抱着孕肚,周围花团锦簇。

­  She added a caption, reading: "We would like to share our love and happiness. We have beenblessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, andwe thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters."

­  碧昂斯在配文中写道:“我们希望能与大家分享我们的爱和幸福。我们两度受到上帝赐福。我们非常感激家里将再添两名新成员,也很感谢各位的祝福。——卡特家族”

­  "I literally tripped and fell at a formal Fulbright dinner because I found out Beyonce waspregnant with twins," wrote one woman on Twitter.

­  一位女士在推特上写道:“我真的因为看到碧昂斯怀了双胞胎的消息而在富布莱特官方晚宴上跌了一跤。”

­  "So perhaps Beyonce"s having a girl & a boy, hence the pink bra & blue panties?"suggested @nicolasutton on Twitter.

­  @nicolasutton 在推特上称:“所以碧昂斯怀的是一女一男?因为她的胸衣是粉色的,而内裤是蓝色的。”

­  Some saw a hint of politics in the timing: the news came on 1 February, the first day of BlackHistory Month.

­  一些人从时间点上看出了照片的政治暗示:这一消息发布于2月1日,这是黑人历史月的第一天。

­  "BEYONCE WAITED UNTIL BLACK HISTORY MONTH BECAUSE SHE LOVES US SO" wrote NewYork Magazine writer Rembert Brown, who is not usually given to all caps.

­  《纽约》杂志作家伦伯特?布朗写道:“碧昂丝等到黑人历史月公布消息,是因为她深爱着我们。”这位作家并不经常全部使用大写字母。

­  The Guardian chose to interpret it on a purely artistic level, pointing out its resemblance to"late 15th century Flemish portraiture, when it was popular to depict a subject from a three-quarter angle, often in front of a landscape, and with hands clasped in front".

­  《卫报》纯粹从艺术角度对照片进行了解读,该报指出照片的风格与“15世纪末期的弗兰德斯风肖像画相似,当时流行描绘大半身人像,人物通常是双手抱在前胸,位于风景之前。”

­  "The striking image appeared to be borrowed from the iconic Birth of Venus painting by SandroBotticelli, believed to date back to the mid 1480s, while often replicated in pop culture. "

­  “这张惊艳的照片似乎借鉴了桑德罗?波提且利的代表作《维纳斯的诞生》,该画作可追溯到15世纪80年代,经常被流行文化复制。”

­  Elle magazine suggested Beyonce"s lack of clothing was a response to rumours from 2011when she was pregnant with now five-year-old daughter Blue Ivy.

­  《Elle》杂志称,碧昂斯没有穿衣服是对2011年的谣言的回应,当时她正怀着现在已经5岁的女儿布鲁?艾薇。

­  It was alleged after an appearance on an Australian talk show that Beyonce"s bump was fake.By stripping down to fully exposing her bump in 2017, there can be no doubt that thispregnancy is the real deal.

­  碧昂斯在澳大利亚脱口秀节目中亮相后,被传孕肚造假。2017年,她脱下衣服将孕肚完全暴露出来,以证明这次怀孕的真实性毋庸置疑。

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