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来源:爱语吧 2016-10-16 12:54 / 海峡都市报电子版

­  万达董事长王健林

­  Property magnate Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda tops the list of 594 billionaires in the country, ahead of 535 billionaires in the US.

­  中国共有594位亿万富翁,其中大连万达集团地产巨头王健林排在首位,而美国亿万富翁人数只有535位。

­  Alibaba"s Jack Ma was second, with his wealth having risen 41% from last year.

­  阿里巴巴马云排在第二位,其名下资产这一年里增加了41%。

­  The annual list is compiled by Shanghai publishers Hurun and often compared to the Forbes list in the US.

­  这份年度富豪榜是由上海出版公司“胡润”编制的,一般认为类似于美国的福布斯财富榜。

­  The Hurun Report"s rich list is one of the most closely-watched and accurate assessments of wealth in China. The annual report has been published for the past 18 years.

­  胡润富豪榜是中国受到关注最多、评估最准确的财富榜单。这份年度财富榜已经出版了18年。

­  Earlier this year, the publisher released a separate, global list, showing that the number of billionaires in China outnumbered those in the US for the first time.

­  今年年初,胡润另外单独出版了一份全球财富榜,显示中国亿万富翁人数第一次超过了美国。

­  However, none of China"s super-rich make it into the global top 20.

­  但是,全球财富总量排名前二十的人中,没有一个中国超级富豪入围。

­  Global reach

­  全球范围。

­  At the top of the China rich list is Wang Jianlin, who sits on a personal fortune of $32.1bn (26.4bn pound).

­  排在中国富豪榜第一名的是王健林,其个人资产达到了321亿美元(约合264亿英镑)。

­  His company Dalian Wanda has made headlines throughout the year with a number of high profile forays into the US movie markets. It has taken over Legendary Pictures, as well as stepping into US and UK cinema chains and striking an alliance with Sony Pictures.

­  王健林的公司大连万达集团这一年来都在向美国电影市场大举进军,这些高调的行为使其经常成为头版新闻的常客。大连集团收购了传奇影业、更进一步地打进了美国和英国的电影链、还和索尼影业达成了联盟。

­  Alibaba"s Jack Ma is a close second with $30.6bn, and Pony Ma of internet and online gaming giant Tencent comes third with $24.6bn.

­  阿里巴巴马云紧随王健林之后,以306亿美元的个人资产排在第二位。互联网和游戏产业巨头腾讯公司总裁马化腾以246亿美元的个人资产排在第三位。

­  The biggest increase came from Yao Zhenghua of investment and real estate firm Baoneng Group, whose wealth jumped by 820% to $17.2bn, putting him in fourth position.

­  在过去一年里,财富增长量最大的是投资和地产公司宝能集团总裁姚振华,其个人资产增值了820%,达到了172亿美元,排在富豪榜上第四。

­  Hurun chairman Rupert Hoogewerf said Mr Yao"s rise illustrated a shift in China"s maturing economy.

­  胡润总裁鲁伯特指出,姚振华资产的增值说明了中国成熟经济的转变。

­  "Yao"s financial investment model represents the new wave of wealth creation in China," he explained. "The first money made in China 20 years ago came from trading, followed by manufacturing, real estate, IT, and today it is about using the capital markets for financial investments."

­  鲁伯特解释说道:“姚振华的金融投资模式代表了中国新一轮财富创造浪潮。20年前中国赚取的第一桶金来自于贸易,随后来自于制造业、房地产、IT行业,而现在则是利用资本市场来进行金融投资。”

­  Robin Li and Melissa Ma of search engine Baidu have a fortune of $14.7bn, ranked eighth while founder of smartphone makers Xiaomi, Lei Jun, dropped out of the top 10 to number 14 as competition in China’s smartphone market intensified.

­  搜索引擎公司总裁李彦宏及其妻子马东敏资产总额147亿美元,名列富豪榜第8位。而由于中国手机市场竞争激烈化,小米创始人雷军掉出了富豪榜前十,排在第14位。

­  Most of China"s billionaires live in Beijing, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou.

­  中国大多数亿万富翁都居住在北京,其次是深圳、上海和杭州。

­  Globally, the Forbes rich list is topped by Microsoft founder Bill Gates with $75bn, followed by Amancio Ortega of Zara and legendary investor Warren Buffett.

­  从全球来看,微软创始人比尔·盖茨以750亿美元个人资产制霸福布斯富豪榜,其次是Zara总裁阿曼西奥·奥特加和传奇投资家巴菲特。

­  实习编辑:李孟洁

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