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英文简历怎么写 4个跳槽简历帮你忙(双语)

来源:新浪教育 2016-05-29 15:47 / 海峡都市报电子版


­  将事情结合在一起

­  Remember that recruiters get dozens of job applications daily, and if they don’t immediately see that you fit the description of the employee they’re looking for, they may move on. "Candidates need to help recruiters help them," Lauby says. Your resume and cover letter need to make connections that tell the complete story.

­  请记住,招聘人员每天会得到几十个求职申请,如果他们不能立即看出你与他们正要找的员工描述相符,他们可能会改看其他的求职信。“这既方便了招聘人员,也帮助了求职者自己,”劳比说。你的简历和求职信需要建立连接来讲述完整的故事。

­  The best way to do that is to tailor your resume and cover letter to fit the job description. Many job hunters simply skim the company’s posting, slightly tweak their resume accordingly, and shoot it off to HR. But if you want to set the hiring manager’s mind at ease about your wide-ranging history, don’t gloss over this crucial piece of info. "The job description explains point-blank what the employer is looking for," Morgan says. "What you talk about on your resume has to match up exactly."

­  要做到这一点,最好的方法是调整你的简历和求职信来符合工作要求。很多求职者只是浏览了下公司所发布的信息,相应微调了下自己的简历,然后就把它发给了人力资源部。但是如果你想让你的招聘经理对你广泛的经历放心,那就不要掩饰信息的这个关键部分。 “工作要求直截了当地说明了雇主需要什么样的求职者,”摩根说,“在简历上你所谈论的必须与之精确匹配。”

­  Of course, we aren’t suggesting that you regurgitate the same language used in the description; instead, include a separate, concrete example from your experience that speaks to each requirement. For instance, Morgan suggests that if the job posting mentions that the candidate must be able to generate new business, one of the bullet points on your resume should touch on a moment when you did precisely that.

­  当然,我们并不建议你照搬工作要求中用到的同样的话;相反,你的简历要包括一个来源于你经历的,不同且具体的例子来证明你符合每一项要求。例如,摩根认为如果招聘广告中提到求职者必须能够创造新的业务,那么在你的简历里其中一个要点就要提到你恰好有一段时间这样做过。

­  The looser the connection, the more creative thinking required on your part—e.g., you developed outreach to a new community or improved customer relations with a key client, leading them to recommend your services to others. "It’s possible you have a very similar experience in a different industry," Morgan says. The goal is to find a common point of intersection between your past and the position you’re applying for.

­  前后工作经历衔接得越不紧密,就需要你有更多的创意想法。例如,你开发外展服务到一个新的社区或与一个重要客户增进了客户关系,这导致他们把你的服务推荐给其他人。“有可能你在不同的行业也有非常类似的经历,”摩根说。我们的目标是在你的过去和你申请的职位之间找到一个交叉的共同点。


­  利用你的面试时间

­  If you have the sense that your work history might be problematic for the employer you’re meeting with, it’s a good idea to address it. "Know what your elephants in the room are," Morgan says.

­  如果你意识到对于正在面试你的雇主而言你的工作经历还存在着问题,最好的办法是着手解决它。“知道问题所在就要去处理,”摩根说。

­  When asked about your experience and qualifications, explain how your past jobs have taught you to use the particular skills that the hiring manager is looking for. For example, your tech skills are top-notch because job-hopping forced you to quickly master many programs. Acclimating to different work environments has polished your team building and collaboration smarts, which helped enhance the business. Clarify that you moved around because you naturally seek challenges and the opportunity to make a measurable impact. "Say, ‘I was looking for a greater challenge in the workplace, so I moved on to find that challenge and make an impact more quickly,’" Morgan suggests.

­  当问及你的经验和资历时,请说明你过去的工作是如何教会你使用该特殊技能,这项技能又恰恰是招聘经理正在寻找的。例如,你的技术能力是一流的,因为跳槽强迫你迅速掌握许多项目。对不同工作环境的适应已经改善了你的团队建设和合作技能,这有助于提升你的业务。你要说清楚你之所以换工作是因为你天性追求挑战,并且渴望遇到能产生重大影响的机会。“可以说,‘我一直在工作上寻找更大的挑战,所以我不断地跳槽去寻找那种挑战,然后很快就起到了作用。’”摩根建议。

­  If the employer directly asks about your short-term track record, it could be a sign that she worries you might jump ship if you join her team. "Emphasize that you contribute your utmost in every job," Salpeter says. "Then elaborate on the skills you’ll bring to her organization, why you’re so excited about the position, and how well prepared you are to contribute on day one."

­  如果雇主直接询问你短期的业绩记录,这可能是因为她担心你如果加入她的团队可能会跳槽。“你需要强调在每一个岗位都做出了最大的贡献,”萨尔皮特说。“然后你再详细说明你能给她的企业带来的技能,为什么你对这个职位如此激动,以及在第一天你准备如何来做好贡献。”


­  依靠社交媒体

­  Pay close attention to the summary portion of LinkedIn, where you can clarify your top skills as well as the direction you hope to head in career-wise before employers even get to the actual resume listing your experience. Salpeter suggests phrasing things in a way that sets you up as a challenge seeker who gets results fast. Eliminate doubt about your commitment to the job by saying something like, "I’ve had the opportunity to use xyz expertise to accomplish [fill in the blank] in various roles over the past several years. Working in different environments kept my skills sharp and allowed me to stay on the cutting edge. As a result, my employers see that I’m able to accomplish more in a short period of time than many people who have been at the organization long term. I’m always continuing to learn, and hope to work for a company that will allow me to grow and contribute at increasing levels over time."

­  密切关注LinkedIn(领英)的总结部分,在那里你甚至可以在雇主得到列有你经验的真实履历,你可以阐明你的顶级技能以及你在工作上希望去发展的方向。萨尔皮特建议,表述时将你设定为一个追求挑战,能快速得到结果的人。消除招聘人员对你工作所做贡献的怀疑,通过说一些如“在过去的几年中,我不得不使用XXX专业知识来实现各种角色中的XXX,在不同的环境中工作可以提高我的技术,并使我一直处在前沿。这样一来,我的雇主就能看到我在短期内比长期待在企业里的许多人都要完成的多。我总是不断地学习,并希望能为公司效力,这会促进我的成长,久而久之我就会有所提高。

­  “Social media can also help foster the impression of commitment—something that a too-broad background might imply you’re lacking. "Use your Twitter feed or actively participate in a LinkedIn group to demonstrate your professional know-how and interest," Salpeter says. "Consistently sharing insights, articles, and resources with people shows that you’re well informed about the field and you follow it closely."

­  “社交媒体也可以促进形成奉献精神,有些背景过于宽泛可能意味着你正缺乏这个。使用Twitter(推特)在LinkedIn上输入或积极参加LinkedIn(领英团队)来表现出你的专业知识和兴趣,”萨尔皮特说。“始终如一地与他人分享见解,文章和资源将会表明你充分了解该领域,并且紧跟其步伐。”

­  Once you put all these techniques in play, hiring managers should be able to clearly understand the rationale behind your all-over-the-map job choices and see how they fit naturally together. You’ll be perceived as perhaps an even more powerful candidate than someone who’s climbed the ladder with laser-like focus.

­  一旦你把所有的这些技巧都运用上,招聘经理就能从你全部的工作选择背后了解得清清楚楚,并且看到他们都很自然地联系在一起。比起那些专注于步步高升的人,你甚至会被视为更有实力的一位求职者。

­  (来源:沪江英语)

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