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来源:新东方在线 2017-06-21 17:41 /

­  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!

­  China bans online loans to college students

­  大学生以后不能随便贷款啦!三部委紧急叫停“校园贷”!

­  China has banned online loans to college students following a three-year boom in campus lending, which has been accompanied by outrage over exorbitant rates, violent debt collection practices, porn for payment, and various financial scams.

­  在三年校园借贷潮后,中国叫停了大学生网上贷款,伴随这三年的是过高的利息、暴力收债行为、色情还债、以及各种金融诈骗,这些引起了人们的愤怒。

­  Financial institutions not registered or authorized by regulators are now banned from offering loans on campus, said a recent notice by China’s Banking Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

­  中国银监会、教育部、和人力资源社会保障部近期发布的一则通知称,未注册或未获监管部门授权的金融机构不得提供校园贷款。

­  The notice said existing online lenders must withdraw from the market. Those who refuse will be shut down. Institutions suspected of malicious fraud, violence, and spreading obscenities will be subject to prosecution.

­  通知声明,现存的网上贷款机构必须退出市场。拒绝退出的将会被关闭。涉嫌恶意诈骗、暴力、和传播色情的机构将会被起诉。

­  Campus loans have been a brewing problem in schools across China. Some students who fall into this financial trap have been reported to have committed suicide, ran away from their homes, or settled their debts with sexual favors.

­  在中国各学校,校园贷款已经成为一个潜在的麻烦事。据报道,一些陷入金融陷阱的学生有自杀的、有离家出走的、或者是用性行为还债的。

­  Naked loans

­  裸贷

­  Shady Internet lenders in China are coercing female college students to provide nude photos of themselves as collateral, in exchange for higher loan amounts. The pictures will be published online, or to their families if the loans are not repaid on time, often at usurious interest rates.

­  中国名声不好的网络贷款者强迫女大学生提供自己的裸照作为抵押品,以此交换高额贷款。如果不准时还贷,这些照片就会被发布到网上,或者是发给她们的家人,且利息往往很高。

­  Sometimes, lenders also propose a "fleshy payback,", for which these students will repay their loan with sexual activities.

­  有时,贷款者还会提议“肉偿”,这些学生将会用性行为还债。

­  Exorbitant rates

­  过高的利息

­  Online lenders set traps often by releasing the daily interest rate for loans.

­  网上贷款者往往通过释放贷款每日利息设下陷阱。

­  Average daily interest rates range from 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent, which means monthly rates can reach three to six percent. This translates to an annual interest rate of 70 to 140 percent.

­  平均每日利率为0.1%至0.2%,这就意味着每月利率可达3%至6%。也就是说,每年利率达70%至140%。

­  Chinese banks resume campus consumer lending

­  中国的银行承担校园消费者借贷

­  China Construction Bank, and Bank of China in May initiated new consumer loans tailored for university students, 18 years after Chinese banks stopped issuing credit cards and standard consumer loans to students.

­  在中国的银行停止向学生发行信用卡和标准消费者贷款18年后,中国建设银行和中国银行于五月份发起了为大学生定制的新的消费者贷款。

­  The annual interest rates of the two banks are 5.6 percent and 5 percent respectively.

­  两家银行的年利率分别为5.6%和5%。

­  The state-owned banks are expected to cleanse the campus loan market, which has been controlled by private loan sharks, according to analysts.

­  据分析人士们介绍,国有银行有望净化被私人高利贷者控制的校园借贷市场。

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