“加油”,在体育竞技类中有鼓励的意思。大家有没有发现,在说英语的国家不管是参加什么体育运动项目,在赛前大家一定会精神振奋的大声喊"Go go go",比...
2015-09-22 14:31 来源:沪江英语Mr. Bean's expressive face is one of our great treasures — and as it turns out, the universe has been blessed twice。憨豆先生那张表情丰富的脸简直...
2015-09-22 14:29 来源:沪江英语1. however 然而 2. obviously 显然 3. frankly 坦率地说 4. briefly 简单地说 5. indeed 的确 6. honestly 真的 7. fortunately/lucki...
2015-09-21 17:15 来源:新浪教育FromHermionetoDiagonandRubeus, Harry Potter books have been tripping fans up for years over how to pronounce certain words。多年来,《哈利波特》丛书的...
2015-09-16 16:49 来源:新浪教育10、印地语 印度的官方语言是英语和印地语,但是印度南方人并不讲印地语,北印度5亿多人讲印地语。可以说讲印地语的人口不少,但国际影响甚微,勉强可以挤入...
2015-09-14 11:24 来源:新浪教育limerence 纯爱 The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong...
2015-09-14 11:22 来源:沪江英语“数学虐我千百遍,我待数学如初恋”。对于中国人来说,就算数学成绩再差,背诵乘法口诀还是相当easy哒!不过,在数学水平普遍“捉急”的英 ...
2015-09-14 10:45 来源:新浪教育Pictures of meals served with the #foodporn hashtag may be popular on social media networks across the globe, but that is irrelevant to Germany's l...
2015-09-11 16:25 来源:新浪教育A holiday may be exactly what's needed to re-charge your batteries, but returning to work often leaves us feeling flat。度假可能正好是你需要充电的时光...
2015-09-11 16:24 来源:新浪教育海淘了法国护肤品却看不懂上面的字吗,分不清哪个是精华,哪个是乳液,买香水的时候不知道哪个是淡香,哪个是香体露?下面小编就教你一些很实用的护肤品常用词吧...
2015-09-11 16:10 来源:新浪教育I knew it was only a matter of time before I became a battered woman. ...
2015-09-10 16:31 来源:新浪教育1.Time flies。 时光易逝。 2. Time is money。 一寸光阴一寸金。 3. Time and tide wait for no man。 岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 ...
2015-09-10 16:24 来源:新浪教育1、字母r的卷舌与否 英美音最大的区别在于是否卷舌,英音不卷,美音卷,但有些迷恋美音的同学卷舌音发的有些过火(overdone),不该卷的地方也卷了,比美国人卷...
2015-09-09 16:26 来源:沪江英语1、空号: 中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。 英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later。 ...
2015-09-08 14:52 来源:新浪教育pay attention to one's teacher 注意听老师讲课 -Pay more attention to your teacher when having a class。 -上课的时候你应该注意听老师讲课。 ...
2015-09-08 14:47 来源:新浪教育我国的教师节定在了9月10日,那么世界其它国家有教师节吗?又是如何庆祝的呢?来看看下面的介绍吧。 Teachers Day is, interestingly, not observed on the s...
2015-09-08 14:46 来源:新浪教育词汇 双语24节气:白露你吃龙眼了吗 White Dews: 白露 White Dewsis the 15th solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of ...
2015-09-08 14:45 来源:沪江英语热情洋溢的“谢谢”: I really appreciate it。我很感谢。 You're one in a million。你真是个大好人。 You're the greatest。你最棒了。...
2015-09-08 14:37 来源:新浪教育教师节就要到了,你为恩师献上祝福了吗?来看看下面这些影片中赞美教师的经典台词吧。 "I will be a teacher because being a teacher is the mostworthy thi...
2015-09-08 14:34 来源:新浪教育When there seems to be a new cute kitten gaining YouTube fame each week, it’s tough to stand out from the cat crowd. 每周都会有一只新的小猫在...
2015-09-07 16:59 来源:沪江英语