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来源:沪江英语 2015-08-19 16:45 /

  The most popular baby names in 2014 were Amelia and oliver. However, the latest data has shown that more parents appear to be looking to modern culture for inspiration on the naming of their children.2014年年度流行名是艾美利亚和奥利弗。不过,最新的数据显示:越来越多的父母给孩儿取名的灵感来源于现代(流行)文化了。

  1.Starkgirls are having the greatest influence on Game of Thrones girls’ names1. 在以《权力的游戏》女性角色命名的女孩中,史塔克家的女孩是对其影响最大的。


  It seems that more parents want their daughters to take Daenerys’ regal name ‘Khaleesi’ than her birth name. We can see that the Stark girl names, Arya and Sansa, remain strong. Brienne is the newest female addition this year, with 4 girls。比起丹妮莉丝的本名,父母们似乎更希望为他们的女儿取名为她的女王名——卡丽熙(Khaleesi)。我们可以看到,史塔克家族女孩的名字——艾丽娅和珊莎——依旧非常普遍。今年有四个女孩取名为布蕾妮,是最新加入的女性名字。

  2. Lannisters, Greyjoys and Starks battle for popularity among Game of thrones boys’ names.2. 兰尼斯特、格雷乔伊以及史塔克家族争做《权力的游戏》中最受欢迎的男孩名。

  like the TV series, the Starks, Lannisters and Greyjoys are battling it out for popularity among the male Game of Thrones names. We can see the largest peak after the series first aired in 2011, but Theon and Bran track each other in popularity after each book release。和美剧中一样,史塔克家族、兰尼斯特家族和格雷乔伊家族正在为夺得《权利的游戏》中最受欢迎的男性名字而展开斗争。我们发现,美剧《权力的游戏》于2011年首播时,这场“争斗”都达到了顶峰,但“席恩”和“布兰”两个名字在每本新书发行时不相上下。


  3. The ice princess’ name rises up the rankings of baby girls’ names in 2014.3. 2014年,冰雪公主的名字在女孩取名榜上节节上升。

  The Frozen phenomenon has seen Elsa, a traditionally turn of the century name, rise up the rankings of baby girls’ names. Her sister Anna proves less popular, and has actually seen a decrease. Even Kristoff and olaf made a splash on the charts with 3 and 52 babies’ names respectively. This is the first year Kristoff has appeared in the rankings。《冰雪奇缘》效应使得埃尔莎——一个传统的世纪交替名——在女孩取名排行中节节上升。她的妹妹安娜则没有那么流行,排名甚至还有些下滑。甚至连克里斯托弗和奥拉夫在本图表中也引发了一阵狂热——分别有3个和52个孩子取这两个名字。这是克里斯托弗首次出现在此排名中。

  5. Harry and Louis the most popular baby names of all One Direction members.5. 哈利和路易斯是小破团中最受欢迎的给孩子取的名。

  It’s clear that Harry has the most popular boys’ baby names from One Direction. Zayn appears to have had an influence on parents’ baby name choices, with almost 8 times as many baby boys called Zayn in 2014 as there were in 2010. Niall and Louis also prove less popular, but perhaps we will see a change next year after the group’s huge world tour。很显然,哈利是单向乐队中最受欢迎的男孩名字。赞恩似乎也对父母为孩儿取名影响不小——在2014年取名为赞恩的男孩几乎是2010年的八倍。尼尔和路易斯没有那么流行,但是我们也许在明年小破团世界巡演之后会看到变化。

  6. Logan increased in popularity after X-Men films released.6. 在电影《X战警》发布后,洛根这个名字变得流行起来。

  Since 2000, Logan (Wolverine) seems to have had the greatest effect on baby names of all the X-Men characters。自2000年起,洛根(金刚狼)似乎是《X战警》全部角色中对孩子起名影响最大的。

  9. Increased popularity in classic names could be influenced by Downton Abbey.9. 越来越多的古典名可能是受到《唐顿庄园》的影响。

  Names that were popular at the turn of the last century (1904) have increased in popularity since around 2004, and Downton Abbey may be having an effect on this since in first aired in 2010. Edith, Violet and Rose were all in the top 30 names in 1904, and are rising in influence once again in the 21st century。在上个世纪(1904年)非常普遍的名字在约2004年的时候开始变得越来越流行,这可能是受到2010年首播的《唐顿庄园》的影响。伊迪斯、维奥莱和罗斯都在1904年前30名的名字中,而且在21世纪再一次流行起来。


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