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来源:新东方在线论坛 2017-04-12 14:58 /

­  白百何今日被曝婚内出轨。

­  据全明星探,白百何日前赴泰国会面神秘男,贴面喂食泳池边嬉戏,被曝出轨。该男子与白百何在泳池边玩耍,白百何耐心为男子拍多张照片,两人亲密贴耳交谈。随后,男子竟在泳池边发生生理反应,白百何拿手戳向男子下身。随后又靠在白百何手臂,白百何转头亲了一口。

­  为什么有人会出轨?

­  我们明明可以离婚,为什么还要搞婚外恋呢?

­  真的没有好男人么?

­  出轨到底意味着什么?

­  As far as stereotypes go, a wandering eye and the urge to jump into bed with multiple partners seems to be built into a man"s DNA, but when it comes to cheating, the sexes are created more equally than we think. (Cough, Kristen Stewart, cough.) Renee Lee, a relationship expert with a masters in psychology, dishes out five reasons why women cheat.

­  说到男性,大多数人都会觉得他们骨子里是欲望动物:眼神游离不定,还想要拥有多位性伴侣。但是,说到出轨,也许男女比我们想象得更加“平等”。(比如克里斯汀??斯图尔特)心理学硕士、两性关系专家蕾妮-李给出了以下5个女性出轨的理由。

­  1. Going Through A Transition

­  1、正在经历转变

­  "If it is graduating, turning a certain age, losing a parent or advancing the relationship status, women become introspective," explains Lee. "Even if it is something she wants, such as just getting engaged or graduating, the transition can stir up an array of emotions about where her life is going or where she is in it. The discomfort of change can trigger an impulsive desire to find someone to take her focus off the change and be a diversion for what she is going through."

­  “如果正面临毕业,到了某个年纪,失去至亲或感情状态更进一步,女性会开始反思自己。”蕾妮解释道,“即使这些是她想要的,比如订婚或者毕业,但这些转变还是会在内心激起波澜,她们不禁会思考应该何去何从,或者她自身的状态。这些变化带来的不快会使人一时冲动去另寻他人来分散自己的注意力,让自己暂时逃避目前的处境。”

­  2. Not Feeling Adequately Celebrated

­  2、觉得不够被重视

­  We"ve all been here: "May it be getting a promotion, organizing a fundraiser, or making Thanksgiving dinner for a party of 20, men often make the misstep of "not complimenting their partner"s achievements," Lee says. "Women seek an emotional connection that their partner notices them, is proud of their achievements, and appreciates what they do, so when they aren"t getting this at home the residual effects lead to feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, depression, and restlessness."

­  我们都有过这样的情况:“工作上得到晋升,组织了一次募捐活动,又或者给20人聚会准备感恩节晚餐,男性常忽略的一点是:没有好好赞扬妻子的成就。”蕾妮说,“女性总是希望她们的丈夫能给予她们更多关注,为她们的成就而自豪,并感谢她们的付出。所以,当她们在家里得不到这些情感需求时,她们会觉得受挫、不满、沮丧、不安。”

­  And that"s when they could go looking for it elsewhere. "When you are living in the day to day with someone, it is challenging to step outside a situation and notice the things that do matter to someone," adds Lee "As this wears down over time, so as soon as the woman encounters someone who ignites the spark they are lacking at home, they equate it to an emotional connection and seek companionship with someone else."

­  这时候她们就可能会另寻关心。“当你日复一日地和另一半一起生活后,经常会忽视掉对另一半真正重要的事情。”蕾妮补充道,“随着时间的流逝,一旦女性此时遇到一个可以弥补这些的男性,她们就会视之为感情,进而想和对方进一步发展关系。”

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