Rich people think differently than the average person, and Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, who died with an estimated net worth of 10.2 billion dollars, was no exception.
In a Quora thread answering the question "Do billionaires know something that normal people don’t?" Patrick Methieson noted a Jobs quote that encapsulates the "billionaire mentality":
在Quora的一个在线问答中,“亿万富翁们是否知道一些普通人不知道的东西呢?” Patrick Methieson引用了乔布斯对“亿万富翁头脑”的概括:
"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."
It’s something that all wealthy people tend to internalize, explained Methieson, a venture investor who has worked with billionaires: "Billionaires realize that the world is pliable. With enough pressure applied to an endeavor, sufficiently resourceful people really can change the world. Contrast that with the rest of us who are more likely to assume the state of the world as static, or given."
Self-made millionaire Steve Siebold, who interviewed over 1,200 of the world’s wealthiest people before writing "How Rich People Think," echoes this belief.
Rich people have an action mentality and are problem solvers. "While the masses are waiting to pick the right numbers and praying for prosperity, the great ones are solving problems," he writes.
富人们有一种付诸行动的头脑,并且是解决问题的能手。“当大部分人正在等着选择对的东西并祈求成功的时候,伟大的人正在解决问题。” 西博尔德在书中写道。
This doesn’t mean they’re smarter than the average person, as Jobs noted. "They are just more strategic," Siebold explains. "When the rich need money, they don’t wonder if it’s possible, they simply begin creating new ideas that solve problems."
乔布斯曾提到,这并不意味着他们比普通人更聪明。“他们只是更有战略眼光。” 西博尔德解释道,“当富人们需要钱时,他们不会去想这可不可能,他们会直接开始提出新的想法来解决问题。”
And "the bigger the problem you solve, the more money you make," he says.
"Let’s set the record straight once and for all: Anyone can become wealthy," Siebold writes.
“让我们一次性澄清这样一个事实:每个人都有可能成为富翁。” 西博尔德写道,“这与你的出身或者学历没有关系,保证富裕并不取决于你怎么做,而是取决于你的思维方式。”
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