There’s an ongoing debate among scientists about language and its connection to conscious experience。 Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett has said that language “infects and inflects our thought at every level,” arguing that a significant portion of our perception of the world is influenced by the words at our disposal。
Many psychologists, on the other hand, have a hard time believing that humans aren’t capable of grasping a concept or feeling an emotion just because there’s no word for it。
But as University of East London psychologist Tim Lomas points out in his new study, expanded vocabularies have the potential to “enrich our experiences of well-being。”Lomas managed to uncover an astounding 216 psychologically positive “untranslatable words”—words that have no English equivalent。
Lomas wanted to see how other cultures verbalize positive emotional concepts and he organized the words into three categories。 Here are some examples:
Words relating to feelings:
Gula: Spanish for the desire to eat simply for the taste
Schnapsidee: German for coming up with an ingenious plan when drunk
Volta: Greek for leisurely strolling the streets
Words relating to relationships:
Nakama: Japanese for friends who one considers like family
Kilig: Tagalog for the butterflies in the stomach you get when interacting with someone you find attractive
Kilig: 塔加拉族语言,表示和你觉得有魅力的人在一起交流时心潮翻腾、内心萌动的感觉
Sarang: Korean for when you wish to be with someone until death
Sarang: 韩语,表示想与人至死不分离的愿望
Words relating to character:
Sitzfleisch: German for the ability to persevere through hard or boring tasks
Sitzfleisch: 德语,表示能坚持做完艰难又无趣的任务的能力
Baraka: Arabic for a gift of spiritual energy that can be passed from one person to another
Baraka: 阿拉伯语,表示天赋或精神能量可以相互传递
Desenrascanco: Portuguese for the ability to artfully disentangle oneself from a troublesome situation
Desenrascanco: 葡萄牙语,表示金蝉脱壳,能巧妙能摆脱困境(来源:沪江英语)
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