2月25日晚22:30湖南卫视2017原创音乐节目《歌手》迎来第六期。竞演歌手纷纷选择颠覆自我,为观众呈现他们“不为人知”的另一面:迪玛希首展“钢琴王子”范儿,一人分饰两角逆袭夺冠;林忆莲变身叛逆少女,与观众“一起摇摆”,最终捧回季军;林志炫一改往日柔情,献唱《Writing's on the Wall》尽显铁汉刚直,再摘第四;狮子合唱团弃摇滚改抒情,一首《用情》唱哭音乐合伙人维嘉,与首唱亲情的张杰分列第五第六;而上场刚晋级的侧田则抱憾离席。
上一场“补入赛”尘埃落定,林志炫归来首秀即在票选中排到了第四,不但击碎了他从未跌出前三的记录,而且使得“大魔王”首次名列下游圈,这一赛况让众人在感叹战局扑朔迷离的同时,也开始为之提心吊胆。可不同于观众们的紧张,林志炫身处危机却依旧泰然自若,更自信直言:“把好运送给别人,实力留给自己。”这次,林志炫选择了一首十分应景的歌曲《writing‘s on the wall》,隆重宏大的改编风格为观众献上了一首史诗般的现场。对于这一回的选曲,林志炫也笑言其中一段歌词特别符合他此刻心声:“如果大家注意到第二段歌词,它刚好应景,就是现在风暴已然要形成了,如果我要度过这场风暴,逃避是没有用的,面对才是唯一的出路。我觉得这可能是上天安排吧,关关难过,但是关关过。”
Writing's On The Wall (Live) - 林志炫
I've been here before
But always hit the floor
I've spent a lifetime running
And I always get away
But with you I'm feeling something
To makes me want to stay
I'm prepared for this
I never shoot to miss
But I feel like a storm is coming
If I'm gonna make it through the day
Then there's no more use in running
This is something I gotta face
If I'll risk it all
Could you break my fall
How do I live how do I breathe
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall
A million shards of glass
That haunt me from my past
As the stars begin to gather
And the light begins to fade
When all hope begins to shatter
This is something I won't be afraid
If I'll risk it all
Could you break my fall
How do I live how do I breathe
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall
The writing's on the wall
How do I live how do I breathe
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up
How do I live how do I breathe
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall
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