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来源:闽南网综合 2016-09-16 22:40 /

  前一晚中秋特辑汪峰和杰伦组成的“奶爸联盟”有爱满分、互动满满,后一晚两人就要“兵戎相见”。本周五晚21:10,浙江卫视《中国新歌声》首场导师对战周杰伦汪峰导师对抗赛 第11期完整视频观看,汪峰和周杰伦两位导师各自罗列八卦阵,排兵布阵进入对抗模式,而两位导师更是各放自己的“制敌利器”,火光四起,让现场观众大呼“好过瘾!”【第11期周杰伦汪峰导师对抗赛歌单mp3试听】。汪夫子化身“半仙”,屡屡算中杰伦出战学员。无奈杰伦“投降”表示:“汪峰老师有读心术。”



郑迦文 - Lost Stars

郑迦文Lost Stars高清完整版视频

Lost Stars (Live) - 郑迦文

Written by:Gregg Alexander/Danielle Brisebois/Nick Lashley/Nick Southwood


Please don't see

Just a boy

Caught up in dreams and fantasies

Please see me

Reaching out for someone I can see

Take my hand

Let's see where we wake up tomorrow

Best laid plans sometimes

It's just a one night stand

I'd be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow

So let's get drunk on our tears and

God tell us the reason

Youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

And the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars

Trying to light up the dark

Who are we

Just a spec of dust within the galaxy

Woe is me

If we're not careful turns into reality

Don't you dare let all these memories

Bring you sorrow

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer

Turn the page

Maybe we'll find a brand new ending

Where we're dancing in our tears and

God tell us the reason

Youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

And the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars

Trying to light up the dark

I thought I saw you out there crying

I thought I heard you call my name

I thought I saw you out there crying

Just the same

God tell us the reason

Youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

And the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars

Trying to light up the dark

I thought I saw you out there crying

I thought I heard you call my name

I thought I saw you out there crying

But are we all lost stars

Trying to light up the dark

But are we all lost stars

Trying to light up the dark

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