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中国好声音第五季郑迦文Goodbye My Lover原唱mp3在线试听

来源:闽南网综合 2016-08-19 21:00 / 海峡都市报电子版

­  本周五晚21:10,浙江卫视《中国新歌声》【第6期在线观看 汪峰组内PK完整视频】将播出第二阶段“对战”的首期节目。汪峰“梦之队”首当其冲,打响残酷的十强对决。战队十位学员两人为一组,各自演唱一首曲目后【第六期歌单 汪峰组五强名单抢先看】,由主导师选择一位继续“新歌声”的征程,另一位则告别这个舞台。蔡健雅任汪峰战队助阵导师,在赛前特别送上一曲《当我想你的时候》为学员加油,一场考验友谊与实力的生死对决即将打响。

  在盲选中携双麦和loop效果器上台,引发众导师集体上台合唱的澳门小伙阿瑞在汪峰战队的对战中挑起了开场的大梁,以一首《beat it+一起摇摆》的混编曲点燃全场。与阿瑞激昂火热的曲风截然相反,他的对战对手——擅长情歌的郑迦文【郑迦文微博资料照片】选择了《goodbye my lover》。

2016中国好声音 郑迦文 Goodbye My Lover

郑迦文 Goodbye My Lover 完整视频观看

原唱 James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover 在线试听

歌词 Goodbye My Lover (Live) - 郑迦文

Written by:James Blunt/Sacha Skarbek

Did I disappoint you or let you down

Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown

'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun

Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won

So I took what's mine by eternal right

Took your soul out into the night

It may be over but it won't stop there

I am here for you if you'd only care

You touched my heart you touched my soul

You changed my life and all my goals

And love is blind and that I knew when

My heart was blinded by you

I've kissed your lips and held your head

Shared your dreams and shared your bed

I know you well I know your smell

I've been addicted to you

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

I am a dreamer but when I wake

You can't break my spirit

It's my dreams you take

And as you move on remember me

Remember us and all we used to be

I've seen you cry I've seen you smile

I've watched you sleeping for a while

I'd be the father of your child

I'd spend a lifetime with you

I know your fears and you know mine

We've had our doubts

But now we're fine

And I love you I swear that's true

I can not live without you

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

And I still hold your hand in mine

In mine when I'm asleep

And I will bear my soul in time

When I'm kneeling at your feet

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

Goodbye my lover

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

I'm so hollow baby

I'm so hollow

I'm so I'm so I'm so hollow

I'm so hollow baby

I'm so hollow

I'm so I'm so I'm so hollow

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