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拿拿拿拿拿是什么歌 拿钱之歌原曲《She told me》歌词

来源:973游戏网 2020-09-21 17:02 /

  拿钱之歌, 最近在抖音是火的一塌糊涂,对于这首歌,好多人都成功要到了过年的红包,一起看看抖音拿拿拿拿拿是什么歌?


  《She told me》歌词:


  There was a girl I knew, she was more the beautiful

  She had a mind of her own - 5 foot 8 or more.

  She was a real wild child and nothing could hold her back

  She was my sister's best friend so now you know where its at.

  She's always been around, me and her were always down

  Right in front of me, how could I be too blind to see?

  She was always hangin' out, me and her we talked about

  Everything I never knew.

  She told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  That's what she told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  She told me...

  It was one of those times way back in the day

  She was at my door with a smile across her face

  I said "My sister ain't home - she's gone out for a while",

  She said T"hat's cool with me that's the reason I came by".

  She's always been around, me and her were always down

  Right in front of me, how could I be too blind to see?

  She was always hangin' out, me and her we talked about

  Everything I never knew.

  She told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  That's what she told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  She told me...

  Sing na na na na na na na na na...

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  That's what she told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  She told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  That's what she told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  She told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  That's what she told me

  If you like my style:come on

  If you need a ride:come on

  Compatible Starsign:come on

  She told me

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