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张靓颖新歌Pull Me Up完整歌词介绍在哪可以听

来源:新华网、QQ音乐 2019-01-23 10:11 /

  张靓颖新歌Pull Me Up完整歌词介绍在哪可以听

  Pull Me Up完整歌词介绍

  Pull Me Up - 张靓颖


  Written by:Jack Brady/Jordan Roman

  Produced by:Harvey Mason Jr./The Wavys

  Recorded by:Andrew Hey

  Assisted by:Aaron Berton


  Feels like diamonds in disguise

  Don't think twice think right

  A perfect crime

  You stole my heart in record time

  Left behind no sign

  So play me like a string up on a violin

  I know it sounds so sad but it feels so good

  Got me locked inside your love without tryin'

  Like ohhh

  So take me to your heaven like I'm dyin'

  Cause I would leave this place only if you stood

  Right beside me on the edge of the horizon

  Like ohhh

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up


  Feels like crystals when I cry

  I don't mind

  Don't mind


  About your body rising next to mine

  Feels so nice

  So nice

  So play me like a string up on a violin

  I know it sounds so sad but it feels so good

  Got me locked inside your love without tryin'

  Like ohhh

  So take me to your heaven like I'm dyin'

  Cause I would leave this place only if you stood

  Right beside me on the edge of the horizon

  Like ohhh

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  So pull me up


  So pull me up


  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  Pull me up

  So pull me up

  Feels so nice

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up

  So pull me up

  Baby when the sun goes down

  I'll be waiting for you on the Ground

  So pull me up

原标题:Pull Me Up
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