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英文歌A Part Of Me (做自己)谁唱的完整歌词赏析

来源:qq音乐 2018-05-24 15:21 /

  英文歌A Part Of Me (做自己)谁唱的完整歌词赏析

  A Part Of Me (做自己) - Martin Kember (马丁·坎贝尔)

  She said she needed to talk

  And I said I'm here to listen

  But I wasn't prepared to hear these words

  She says it's not how she planned it

  Hope I'd understand it

  But shes leaving tomorrow

  With some guy from the past

  And I know

  When did we become the three of us

  (I never know)

  How could you let him

  Become between us girl

  (I will never know)

  How could I have never seen this coming

  So I guess this is the end of you and me

  But I can't imagine me without you

  If I lose you I lose a part of me

  Nothing scares me more

  Can't let you go

  I can't live without you

  You're a part of me

  I said now let's wait a minute

  Can we just talk about it

  If it's something I did

  I can change my ways

  You said it's not about me

  And yes she still loves me

  But she's having his baby


  And I know

  When did we become the three of us

  (I never know)

  How could you let him

  Become between us girl

  (I will never know)

  How could I have never seen this coming

  I guess this is the end of you and me

  But I can't imagine me without you

  If I lose you I lose a part of me

  Nothing scares me more

  Can't let you go

  I can't live without you

  You're a part of me

  I don't know how to change this

  But there is no where to hide

  It's like a collision from my blind side

  Now all of my questions

  Don't matter no more

  I guess when it's over it's over

  (I lose a part of me)

  (You're a part of me)

  But I can't imagine me without you

  If I lose you I lose a part of me

  Nothing scares me more

  Can't let you go

  I can't live without you

  You're a part of me

  But I can't imagine me without you

  If I lose you I lose a part of me

  And yes having not you friends a baby

  You're a part of me

  It's so baby

  It's so baby

  It's so now

  I lose a part of me

  Oh why why why

  It's so now

  You having his baby

  You mistake baby

原标题:A Part Of Me (做自己)
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