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抖音火苗舞音乐bgm是什么歌 《&burn》歌词介绍

来源:酷狗音乐 2018-03-29 16:50 /



  这首歌是Vince Staples和Billie Eilishburn所演唱的《&burn》




  Lips meet teeth and tongue

  My heart skips eight beats at once (that's better)

  If we were meant to be, we would have been by now

  See what you wanna see, all I see is him right now

  H-h-him right now

  I'll sit and watch your car burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But you never came back to ask it out

  Go ahead and watch my heart burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But I'll never let you back to put it out


  Your love feels so fake

  My demands aren't high to make

  If I could get to sleep, I would have slept by now (ahh)

  Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow them out

  (B-b-blow them out)

  I'll sit and watch your car burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But you never came back to ask it out

  Go ahead and watch my heart burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But I'll never let you back to put it out


  I still remember that

  Heaven sent a present my way

  I won't forget your laugh

  Packing everything when you leave

  You know you coming back

  Wanna see me down on my knees

  But that was made for a ring

  I try to wait for the storm to calm down

  But that's stubborn baby, leading a war

  We droned down on each other

  Tryin' to even the score

  We all been found guilty in the court of aorta

  And I'll watch your car burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But you never came back to ask it out

  Go ahead and watch my heart burn

  With the fire that you started in me

  But I'll never let you back to put it out

  Watch your car, watch your car burn

  I won't forget your laugh

  Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn

  You know you coming back, you know you coming back

  Watch your car, watch your car burn

  (Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn)

  Tryin' to even the score

  Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn

  Found guilty in the court of aorta

原标题:抖音火苗舞音乐bgm是什么歌 《&burn》一起动起来
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