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来源:qq音乐 2018-03-28 15:57 /



  据悉,电影《头号玩家》中男女主跳舞时的bgm音乐叫做Stayin’ Alive。

Stayin’ Alive歌词

  Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, 恩,从我的步履,

  I'm a woman's man: no time to talk. 你可看得到我是大众情人:不必多说。

  Music loud and women warm, 音乐高亢,热情女郎,

  I've been kicked around since I was born. 出生以来,我游游荡荡。

  And now it's all right. It's OK. 现在好了。一切安好。

  And you may look the other way. 你可以换个角度来看。

  We can try to understand 努力去理解

  the New York Times'effect on man. 纽约时报上的观点吧

  Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, 或许你为人兄 或已为人母,

  you're stayin'alive, stayin'alive. 你正活着,痛快的活着。

  Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', 感受城市的飞速发展和每个人的颤动,

  and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. 我们正活着,正活着呢。

  Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.啊哈哈哈,正活着,正活着呢

  Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.啊哈哈哈,正活着呢

  Well now, I get low and I get high, 现在,我时低时高

  and if I can't get either, I really try.即使我都不能做到,我也尽力了。

  Got the wings of heaven on my shoes. 给我的鞋插上天堂的翅膀,

  I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose. 我是一个跳舞的人,我绝不能输

  You know it's all right. It's OK. 你知道一切都好。一切都好。

  I'll live to see another day. 我要活着迎接另一天。

  We can try to understand 努力去理解

  the New York Times'effect on man. 纽约时报上的观点吧。

  Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, 或许你为人兄,或已为人母,

  you're stayin'alive, stayin'alive. 你正活着,痛快的活着。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Somebody help me, yeah. 有人帮助我呀。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, 嗯,从我的步履,

  I'm a woman's man: no time to talk. 你可看得到我是大众情人:不必多说。

  Music loud and women warm, 音乐高亢,热情女郎,

  I've been kicked around since I was born. 出生以来,我游游荡荡。

  And now it's all right. It's OK. 现在好了。一切安好。

  And you may look the other way. 你可以换个角度来看。

  We can try to understand 努力去理解

  the New York Times'effect on man.纽约时报上的观点吧。

  Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, 不管你是位仁兄还是位母亲,

  you're stayin'alive, stayin'alive. 你正活着,痛快的活着。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Somebody help me, yeah. 有人帮助我呀。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  I'm stayin' alive.我正活着。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Somebody help me, yeah. 有人帮助我呀。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  I'm stayin' alive.我正活着。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Somebody help me, yeah. 有人帮助我呀。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  I'm stayin' alive.我正活着。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  Somebody help me, yeah. 有人帮助我呀。

  Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me. 生活无路可走。有人帮助我。

  I'm stayin' alive.我正活着。

原标题:Stayin’ Alive
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