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抖音谁挽着我的狗歌名叫什么 抖音谁挽着我的狗英文歌词介绍

来源:4667网 2018-03-15 10:51 /


  抖音谁挽着我的狗歌名叫什么 抖音谁挽着我的狗英文歌词介绍


  Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur

  Written by:James Arthur/Steve Solomon/Neil Ormandy

  I met you in the dark

  You lit me up

  You made me feel as though

  I was enough

  We danced the night away

  We drank too much

  I held your hair back when

  You were throwing up

  Then you smiled over your shoulder

  For a minute I was stone cold sober

  I pulled you closer to my chest

  And you asked me to stay over

  I said I already told ya

  I think that you should get some rest

  I knew I loved you then

  But you'd never know

  Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go

  I know I needed you

  But I never showed

  But I wanna stay with you

  Until we're grey and old

  Just say you won't let go

  Just say you won't let go

  I wake you up with some breakfast in bed

  I'll bring you coffee

  With a kiss on your head

  And I'll take the kids to school

  Wave them goodbye

  And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

  When you looked over your shoulder

  For a minute I forget that I'm older

  I wanna dance with you right now oh

  And you look as beautiful as ever

  And I swear that everyday you'll get better

  You make me feel this way somehow

  I'm so in love with you

  And I hope you know

  Darling your love is more than it's worth in gold

  We've come so far my dear

  Look how we've grown

  And I wanna stay with you

  Until we're grey and old

  Just say you won't let go

  Just say you won't let go

  I wanna live with you

  Even when we're ghosts

  Cause you were always there for me

  When I needed you most

  I'm gonna love you till

  My lungs give out

  I promise till death we part

  Like in our vows

  So I wrote this song for you

  Now everybody knows

  Cause it's just you and me

  Until we're grey and old

  Just say you won't let go

  Just say you won't let go

  Just say you won't let go

  Oh just say you won't let go


  谁挽着我的狗是一首英文歌曲,歌名是Say You Won't Let Go,从单词上用中文练出来就是谁挽着我的狗了!

  《Say You Won't Let Go(说你不会放手)》是英国歌手、词曲创作人James Arthur(詹姆斯·亚瑟)在2016年9月9日发行的单曲,属Pop(流行)音乐风格,收录于专辑《Say You Won't Let Go》中。


原标题:抖音谁挽着我的狗英文歌词 抖音谁挽着我的狗英文歌名叫什么
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