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Honey, Im Good谁唱的 Honey, Im Good完整歌词介绍

来源:qq音乐 2018-01-26 17:15 /

  Honey, Im Good谁唱的 Honey, Im Good完整歌词介绍

  Honey, I'm Good - Andy Grammer


  Written by:Andy Grammer/Nolan Sipe

  Nah nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I got somebody at home home home home

  It's been a long night here and a long night there

  And these long long legs are damn near everywhere

  Hold up now

  You look good I will not lie

  But if you ask where I'm staying tonight

  I gotta be like

  Oh baby nah baby

  You got me all wrong baby

  My baby's already got all of my love

  So nah nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I got somebody at home and

  If I stay I might not leave alone

  Nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I gotta bid you adieu to another I will stay true

  I will stay true I will stay true

  Now better men than me have failed

  Drinking from that unholy grail

  Now check it out

  I got her and she got me and you got that ass

  But I kindly gotta be like

  Oh baby nah baby

  You got me all wrong baby

  My baby's already got all of my love

  So nah nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I got somebody at home and

  If I stay I might not leave alone

  Nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I gotta bid you adieu to another I will stay true

  I will stay true I will stay true

  Oh I'm sure you

  Sure you will make somebody's night

  But oh I assure you

  Assure you it sure as hell's not mine

  Oh no honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I got somebody at home and

  If I stay I might not leave alone

  Nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I gotta bid you adieu to another I will stay true

  Nah nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I got somebody at home and

  If I stay I might not leave alone

  Nah honey I'm good

  I could have another but I probably should not

  I gotta bid you adieu to another I will stay true

  I will stay true I will stay true I will stay true

  I will stay true true true true

  I will stay true

原标题:Honey, Im Good
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