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霉霉Taylor Swift新专单曲Call It What You Want歌词在哪听

来源:qq音乐 2017-11-06 15:16 /

  霉霉Taylor Swift新专单曲Call It What You Want歌词在哪听

  Taylor Swift新专第四支单曲《Call It What You Want》于2017年11月3日上线!>>【霉霉Taylor Swift第6张新专辑歌单歌曲 泰勒2017新专辑在哪里买

  Call It What You Want - Taylor Swift

  Written by:Taylor Swift/Jack Antonoff

  My castle crumbled overnight

  I brought a knife to a gun fight

  They took the crown but it's alright

  All the liars are calling me one

  Nobody's heard from me for months

  I'm doing better than I ever was

  Cause my baby's fit like a daydream

  Walking with his head down

  I'm the one he's walking to

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  My baby's fly like a jet stream

  High above the whole scene

  Loves me like I'm brand new

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  All my flowers grew back as thorns

  Windows boarded up after the storm

  He built a fire just to keep me warm

  All the drama queens taking swings

  All the jokers dressing up as kings

  They fade to nothing when I look at him

  And I know I make the same mistakes every time

  Bridges burn I never learn

  At least I did one thing right I did one thing right

  I'm laughing with my lover

  Making forts under covers

  Trust him like a brother

  Yeah you know I did one thing right

  Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night

  My baby's fit like a daydream

  Walking with his head down

  I'm the one he's walking to

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  My baby's fly like a jet stream

  High above the whole scene

  Loves me like I'm brand new

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck

  Chain round my neck

  Not because he owns me

  But 'cause he really knows me

  Which is more than they can say

  I recall late November

  Holding my breath slowly I said you don't need to save me

  But would you run away with me


  My baby's fit like a daydream

  Walking with his head down

  I'm the one he's walking to

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  My baby's fly like a jet stream

  High above the whole scene

  Loves me like I'm brand new

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  So call it what you want yeah call it what you want to

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  Call it what you want call it what you want call it

  Call it what you want yeah call it what you want to


原标题:《Call It What You Want 》
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