《带我回上海》(Take Me To Shanghai)由亚洲影坛知名配乐家梅林茂作曲、监制,Anna Rice作词,John Hughes与Íse Downes主唱。带我回上海,回到我的心之所向!心之所向,即当勇往。犹记彤光满路华灯初上,这是“真流氓”陆先生(葛优 饰)的上海滩,以暴制暴,用枪火去了断;这是“真花痴”小六(章子怡 饰)的百乐门,见招拆招,用欲火去填满。对峙与搏杀、暴力与情欲、忠诚与背叛、信仰与宿命,欲火枪火交织绽放,荷尔蒙与子弹齐飞,大上海的夜就这样被点燃。
John Hughes/Íse Downes《Take Me To Shanghai》歌词(电影《罗曼蒂克消亡史》插曲)
作曲 : 梅林茂
作词 : Anna Rice
John Hughes:
Liberty swathes this city of shades
Like gloves on the wings of a bird
The silken smoke of the words you spoke
Still rises where you lay
Take me to Shanghai
Take me to Shanghai
To the town where I belong
Ise Downes:
The pathways were red the lanterns alive
Diamonds adrift in the sky
You're standing here when I close my eyes
This slumber leaves me blind
Take me to Shanghai
Take me to Shanghai
To the town where I belong
John Hughes:
The night was mine to set alight
Every cord and every chain
Your hands were ice within the fire
And it burned like poison rain
The blood in these veins the streets that it stains
Fevers unbroken by death
Their shadows ride on this ruby tide
And the waves that toss my breath
Take me to Shanghai
Take me to Shanghai
To the town where I belong
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