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来源:新东方在线 2015-11-24 15:33 /

  151.The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I’ll take it。

  A.cheap B.low C。 expensive D.high

  152.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classes。

  A.left B.forgot C.missed D.lost

  153。---Does Tom write more______ than Larry?

  ---Yes.He is a ______ writer than Larry。

  A.neatly, neater B.neatly, more neatly C.neat,neater D.neat, more neatly

  154.Tom ______to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family。

  A.traveled B.travels C.has traveled D.will travel

  155.We ______ allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start。

  A。 aren’t B。 will be C。 wouldn’t be D。 won’t be

  156.Why did you buy the jacket ____ you didn’t like it?

  A.since B.that C.which D。/

  157.I _____ in Shanghai since I was a child。

  A.used to live B.lived C.have lived D.live

  158.There are _____more people in Class 2 than in Class 1。

  A.many B.a lot of C.a little D.much

  159。---Is that man an ______?

  ---Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?

  A。 American B。 English C.Australia D.India

  160。---When did Tom leave for Britain?

  ---He’s _____ for two weeks。

  A.left B.gone C.been away D.leaving

  161.I’ve ______ the house since I moved here。

  A.lived B.bought C.sold D.had

  162。---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?

  --_____, any questions are welcome。

  A.Never B.Sure C.Of course D.Yes

  163.What interesting ______! The wrong answer is:

  A.deer B.sheep C.news D.animal

  164.I looked out and found the ground ______ with white snow。

  A.covered B.covering C.to cover D.is covered

  165.I _____ I would win the first prize of the competition。

  A.wish B.hope C.think D.believe

  166。--Would you please pass the message on to Tom?


  A.I’d like B。 I’ll be glad to C.That would be fine D.It’s a pleasure

  167.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke______in Yueyang,Hunan Province last week。

  A.down B.into C.out D.in

  168.The mountain fire wasn’t ______ until the next day。

  A.put off B.put up C.put out D.put down

  169.The man is very ill.A doctor must be ______right now。

  A.sent for B.sent up C.sent to D.sent out

  170.My memory is not good enough。 Could I have a piece of paper to _____ your e-mail address on?

  A.put away B.put into C.put down D.put up

  171.His parents died when he was very young, so he was ______ by his uncle。

  A.brought up B.grown up C.got up D.risen

  172.I’ll never ______what I’m doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it。

  A.give in B.give to C.give out D.give up

  173.More and more people have lost their jobs and become ______。

  A.rich B.strong C.fragile D.lazy

  174.The moon _____ the earth and it is our satellite。

  A.circles B.moves C.turns D.goes

  175.This room is used ______ a reading room。

  A.as B.for C.by D.in

  176.Edison is said to_____the first telephone。

  A.find B.discover C.invent D.found

  177。--Are you getting on well with Tom?

  ---Not very well, but we used to be friends。 The more I know him,_____ I like him。

  A。 the more B。 the less C。 the little D 。the least

  178.Bob, _____ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!

  A.is B.make C.be D.makes

  179.I told the truth to my parents _______ they wouldn’t worry about me any more。

  A.and B.or C.so that D.that

  180.The population of China is lager than _____ of India。

  A.that B.this C.the one D.it

  181.The girl ______ red plays the piano well。 She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations。

  A.on B.with C.in D.wearing

  182.My friend was riding too fast and ______ the wall。 Luckily he was not badly hurt。

  A。 knocked at B.put into C.crashed D。 knocked into

  183.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _____ he was born。

  A.that B.which C.where D。/

  184.The book _____by the young writer sells well。 It is popular among middle school students。

  A.was written B.writing C.wrote D.written

  185。______ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!

  A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

  186.You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best。

  A.if B.because C.after D.unless

  187。 China‘s first spaceman, Yang liwei, with Shenzhou V ______successfully to earth on Thursday morning after more than 21 hours’ travel along the earth’s orbit。

  A。 returned back B.arrived C.reached D.returned

  188。 --- Will he be able to come back tomorrow?

  ---- I’m afraid not。 He told me that he ____ come back until his holiday ended。

  A。 won’t B。 wouldn’t C。 didn’t D。 would

  189--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move。

  -- In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered。

  A。 too, to B。 so, that C。 very, that D。 such ,that

  190。--How often do you phone your family?


  A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times

  191.How happy we are ______ each other here away from home!

  A.seeing B.to see C.seen D.meeting

  192.Poul doesn’t have to be made ______。He always works hard。

  A.to learn B.learn C.learning D.learns

  193.He is so fat that the chair is not large enough for him to_____。

  A.sit B.sit on C.sit down D.take a seat

  194.It takes my daughter about an hour to practice playing _____piano after ____ supper every day。

  A.the,the B.the,/ C。/,/ D。/,the

  195.His wife died and ______ him nothing but two sons。

  A.offered B.gave C.sent D.left

  196.Look______!There’s a train coming。

  A.at B.out C.around D.over

  197.Tom hasn’t phoned us for a long time。 What do you suppose _____ to him?

  A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.happened

  198。--Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?

  --I don’t know。 _____。

  A.I don’t care also B。 So do I C。 Neither do I D.too

  199.Congratulations _____ you _____winning the competition!

  A.to,on B.for,for C.for,on D.to,on

  200.My boys!You are too shy。 You should have more confidence in ______。

  A。 you B。 yourselves C。 yourself D.themselves


  151-155DCACD 156-160ACAAC 161-165DADAA166-170BCCAC 171-175ADCCA 176-180CBBCA 181-185CDCDA186-190DDBBB 191-195BABBD 196-200BCCAB

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