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六级答案解析参考 12月英语六级考试答案卷二完整版

来源:新东方在线 2019-12-16 15:17 /



  26:G)the detrimental effects

  27:J)that indulging in

  28:E)memory deficits

  29:A)as assessed by

  30:L)emerge rapidly within

  31:B)adults assigned to

  32:O)memory similar to

  33:C)negative consequences of

  34:D)changed conspicuously.

  35:N)exercise regularly


  信息匹配:Increased Screen Time and Wellbeing D

  36:G)首句: So far, so plausible

  37:C)首句: To investigate, Twenge and her colleagu dived into the

  38:H)首句: A similar but reversed pattern was for the activities ssociated

  39:D)首句: Twenge and her colleagues wanted to understand why this change

  40:B)首句: Now a new study has provided another contribution to the debate

  41:E)首句:Fist, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in

  42:J)首句: The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the

  43:F)首句:Next, Twenge' team dug a little deeper into data on screen time

  44:Ⅰ)首句: There is another explanation that twenge and her colleagues

  45:A)首句: Have young people never had it so good?



  46:A)It shows they have the ability to view complex situations form different angles

  47:D)It involves lots of sophisticated mental activity

  48.B)When they face too much peer pressure

  49: B)When they are under watchful eyes

  50: B)They will tell bigger lies


  51:C)A massive natural catastrophe

  52:A)To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami

  53:D)Enormous stress is released

  54:A)Coordinating various disaster-relief efforts

  55:C)Its occurrence is just a matter of time



  Lotus is one of best-known flowers in China which people love deeply. The lakes and ponds in many parts of China are suitable for lotus to grow. Lotus, which features bright colour,blossoms in the morning and closes in the evening with a long flowering period of two to three months,attracting tourists across the country to appreciate it Lotus is multi-functional as it can not only green waters and beautify courtyards but also purify water, reduce pollution and improve environment. Lotus, as it does not fear the strong sunshine and keeps clean in the dirty soil,symbolizes purity and elegance and represents people's noble morals. Therefore, the flower has become important themes for poets and painters throughout the Chinese history,and the place where it blooms turns out to be the resort of many photographers.


  A sense of family responsibility:

  As we grow up and our parents grow older, we have to realize that a sense of family esponsibility should play an important role in dealing with our relationships with family members.

  The reasons why a sense of family responsibility is so important can be listed as follows. On one hand, a sense of family responsi our desires to take care of our family members whether they are in need or not, which can tremendously reduce the possibility of indifference between family members.

  without a sense of family responsibility, some people could be indifferent to the adversity their families might be coping with and would eventually witness the breakdown of their family relationships On the other hand,as a member of a family, we should notice that it was our family that gave us life,raised us up and made us who we are today. In this case, being responsible for our family is undoubtedly a necessary value that should be shared by all of us Chinese and passed on to the next generations.

  As far as I'm concerned, a sense of family responsibility sunshine is to humans. although we can survive for a while

  without sunshine,but our healthy and long-lasting development can never shine without sun,just as our family relationships can never be harmonious without a sense of family responsibility.

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