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来源:一线口语 2017-12-21 15:39 /

­  18岁的圣诞节,早上一起床枕头下就出现了礼物,还有甜甜圈和糖果。如今的圣诞节好像不再浪漫,更像是变成了一种营销手段,商场促销打几折,有多少满减慢增,都成了人们更关心的事情。圣诞节游离在温情之外,离它本来的意义越来越远。为了重拾圣诞之美,今天一线口语找到了几个度过圣诞最佳的地方,你一直苦练的旅游英语口语也能派上用场了!

­  一、金色维也纳(Vienna)

­  It is said that in the Austrian capital Vienna, the scenery all year round is not as wonderful as the Christmas season. As soon as December begins, the town square in the center of Vienna will be decorated with giant Christmas trees, making it become one of the most glittering cities in the world.

­  据说在奥地利首都维也纳,一年四季的景色都不如圣诞季那样美妙。一进入十二月,维也纳市中心的城市广场就会装饰上巨大的圣诞树,成为城中最闪耀的存在。

­  Here also have Christmas market in Europe Christmas tradition, filled with a variety of hot wine, roasted chestnuts and handicrafts. Christmas Eve can also be spent in the church, compared to Zurich Cathedral, Salzburg Cathedral, St. Peter"s Basilica is not so grand, but just so that we can feel the breath of Christmas .

­  这里更有欧洲圣诞节传统的圣诞集市,摆满了各种热红酒、烤栗子和工艺品。还可以在教堂度过平安夜,圣彼得大教堂相比起苏黎世大教堂、萨尔茨堡大教堂,这座教堂并算不上多么宏大,但却刚好得以让我们可以近距离感受圣诞的气息。

­  二、极致优雅的法国(France)

­  When it comes to Christmas markets, you cann’t miss the elegant France. As early as 1570, Europe"s first Christmas market was born in France"s Strasbourg Cathedral Square.

­  一提到圣诞集市,就不得不说优雅的法国。早在1570年,欧洲第一个圣诞集市就诞生在法国的斯特拉斯堡大教堂广场上。

­  Today, on Christmas Eve, more than 300 stalls will light up the square with the smell of spices and cinnamon floating in the air, telling Christmas warmth and beauty.

­  如今,一到圣诞夜,超过300个摊位将会照亮整个广场,空气中漂浮着香料和肉桂的气味,诉说着圣诞的温情与美好。

­  In France, after Christmas Eve, people will come to the square outside the church to drink a hot Christmas wine to warm body, and then go shopping with the family market, pick some favorite accessories embellishment Christmas. Christmas wine, like turkey, has the meaning of family reunion and blessing.

­  在法国,人们会在圣诞夜做完弥撒之后,来到教堂外的广场上喝一杯热腾腾的圣诞红酒暖暖身子,然后和家人一起逛逛集市,挑选一些心仪的商品点缀圣诞。圣诞红酒和火鸡一样,有着家人团聚和祈福的意义。

­  三、漠河北极的圣诞村(Santa claus village)

­  Of course, if you want to feel the most pure Christmas atmosphere, then you’re sure to visit Santa"s cabin. In this Christmas village near the Arctic Circle, not only live fat and kindly Santa Claus and elf aides, but also to see his best friend - Christmas reindeer.

­  当然,如果你想感受最纯正的圣诞气息,那么一定要探访下圣诞老人的小木屋。在北极圈附近的这个圣诞村中,不仅住着胖胖慈祥的圣诞老人和小精灵助手,更能看到他最好的小伙伴——圣诞驯鹿。

­  During the Christmas season, there is a snow-capped pachinko show and festivals with masquerade, bonfire and other activities. If you meet Santa who can speak Chinese, maybe you can talk about Chinese food with him.

­  圣诞节期间,每天有雪地钢管舞秀表演,节日晚上有化妆舞会、篝火晚会等活动,热闹非凡。如果你遇上了会说中文的圣诞老人,没准你们还能一起聊聊中国的美食呢~

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