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来源:新东方在线 2017-06-21 17:41 /

­  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!

­  China’s college English test adopts papers in Braille

­  关爱盲人教育:长春大学首开四、六级盲文考场!

­  Five blind students joined their peers Saturday to sit the national college English test in Changchun, capital of northeast China’s Jilin Province, where test papers in Braille were used for the first time.

­  五名视力障碍的学生于周六与她们的同辈一起参加了在中国东北吉林省省会长春举行的全国大学英语考试,此次考卷系首次使用盲文。

­  The five students, from Changchun University’s School of Special Education, were given test papers in Braille in a separate classroom away from other students. Their test lasted 195 minutes instead of the standard 130 minutes, as it takes longer to read and write in Braille.

­  来自长春大学特殊教育学院的五名学生在与其他学生隔离的一个单独教室拿到盲文考卷。她们的考试时间持续195分钟,而非130分钟,因为阅读盲文和写下盲文需要消耗更长时间。

­  In a classroom next door, three other visually impaired -- but not totally blind -- students were given large-font test papers and 169 minutes to answer with the help of magnifying lenses and reading lamps.

­  在隔壁一间教室里,另外三名弱视学生拿到的是大字体考卷,考试时间为169分钟,他们在放大镜和台灯的帮助下答题。

­  "All the visually impaired students were put in well-lit classrooms on the first floor and provided with power cords, bottled water and snacks," said Li Meng, an exam official with Changchun University.

­  长春大学监考官李萌说道:“所有视力障碍的考生都被安排在一楼的一个明亮教室里,同时配备电源线、瓶装水、和零食。”

­  Two teachers, one of whom knew Braille, stood by in case the students needed help, he said.

­  他说道,两名老师监考,其中一名老师懂得盲文,以防考生需要帮助。

­  For Luo Qian, a senior student majoring in acupuncture and massage, Saturday’s test was a dream come true.

­  对于针灸推拿专业大四学生罗茜而言,周六的考试是她的梦想,这回终于实现了。

­  Luo said she dreamed of becoming a teacher to help disabled children in her hometown earn their own living.

­  罗茜说道,她梦想成为一名老师,在她的家乡通过帮助残疾儿童谋生。

­  Luo wrote to education authorities in Jilin Province last September, asking for test papers in Braille to be made available for blind students, but her plea was unanswered and she failed to take the test last December as she hoped.

­  去年12月,她致信吉林省教育部门,要求为视力障碍的学生提供盲文试卷,但是她的请求并没有得到回复,因此她未能如愿参加去年12月的考试 。

­  She repeated her request to Ministry of Education earlier this year and in May was told test papers in Braille would be available in the June test.

­  今年早些时候,她向教育部再述自己的请求,5月份,她得到消息,今年6月的考试有盲文试卷。

­  Changchun University’s College for Special Education is one of China’s largest higher education institutions for disabled young people. More than 370 of its students are visually impaired, according to Liu Haihan, a top college official.

­  长春大学特殊教育学院是中国规模最大的年轻残疾人高等教育学府之一。据学校领导刘海涵介绍,该校逾370名学生视力受损。

­  CET-4 or CET-6 is a requirement for university students.

­  大学英语四、六级为大学生们必须参加的一个考试。

­  Many universities will not allow a student to graduate without obtaining such a certificate, and it is often a prerequisite for those entering the job market.

­  很多学校不允许未获此证的学生毕业,这也往往是他们就业的一个先决条件。

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