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来源:新东方在线 2017-05-09 15:55 /

­  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!

­  Chinese stories popular abroad

­  中国网络小说走红海外

­  导读:中国的网络小说以其特有的中国文化内涵受到了一大批外国读者的追捧,越来越多的人为它着迷。可是随着网络小说走红海外,一些问题也接踵而至……

­  Many Chinese web novels are interesting and imaginative. But has it ever occurred to (想到) you that they could help people stop using drugs (毒品), too?

­  许多中国的网络小说非常有趣且富有想象力。但是你是否想过,这些小说也可以帮助人们戒毒呢?

­  Kevin Cazad, a 29-year-old IT technician from California, US, quit his drug habit after reading translations (翻译) of Chinese web novels, reported People’s Daily in March.

­  《人民日报》3月份的一篇报道提到,现年29岁的Kevin Cazad是一名来自美国加利福尼亚州的程序员,他在读了中国网络小说的译本后,戒掉了毒瘾。

­  He turned to drugs to reduce the pain of a breakup in 2014. But the drugs caused him physical and mental pain, even threatening his life at times. However, after having the Chinese web novel Coiling Dragon (《盘龙》) recommended to him, Cazad became crazy with his new hobby, causing him to “forget” about doing drugs.

­  2014年,为了减轻分手带来的痛苦,他沾上了毒品。但毒品却给他带来了身体和精神上的双重痛苦,甚至一度威胁到了生命。然而,在他被安利了中国网络小说《盘龙》后就彻底迷上了,还让他“忘记”了吸毒。

­  “I went home wanting to [take drugs] every day,” Cazad told Southern China Weekly. “Now, I prefer to read the novels. They are addictive like drugs, but not harmful to my health.”

­  “我(以前)一回到家就想要吸毒”,Cazad在接受《中国南方周刊》采访时说道。“现在我更喜欢阅读小说,他们像毒品一样令我上瘾,可是不会对我的身体造成伤害。”

­  Cazad is not the only foreigner to become a huge fan of online Chinese literature. In fact, Chinese web novels have recently been gaining popularity among foreign readers.

­  Cazad并不是唯一一位成为中国网络小说狂热粉丝的外国人。事实上,中国网络小说已在外国读者中相当流行。

­  According to a 2016 report from Novel Updates, a website that translates popular Asian novels for Western readers, among the site’s 10 most popular web novels, five were written by Chinese authors.

­  为西方读者翻译流行亚洲小说的网站Novel Updates于2016年发布的一份报告显示,在该网站10大最受欢迎的流行网络小说中,有5部为中国作家所著。

­  And Wuxiaworld, the largest Chinese web novel translation forum (论坛) in the world, says it has more than 3 million page views a day.

­  而全球最大的中国网络小说翻译论坛“武侠世界”则称,该网站每天有超过300万的网页浏览量。

­  Foreign readers are attracted by the Chinese culture and history in the novels, according to online novelist Li Ruibin, who is well-known under her pen name Qinlyu.

­  以Qinlyu为笔名的著名网络小说家李瑞斌(音译)认为,外国读者被小说中的中国文化和历史所吸引。

­  “As a Westerner, the traditional Chinese elements (元素) and strong plots (情节) really attract me. Outside of the Harry Potter series, I can’t think of any other books with so much imagination,” Fernando Hernandez, a Spanish engineer, told People’s Daily.

­  “作为一个西方人,中国传统元素和强有力的情节深深地吸引了我,除了‘哈利·波特’系列,我想不到还有哪些书能有如此的想象力。”西班牙工程师费尔南多·赫尔南德斯在接受《人民日报》采访时表示。

­  Despite Chinese web novels’ popularity among foreign readers, some people believe they have no deep meaning, compared with traditional works.

­  尽管中国网络小说在外国读者中非常流行,但有些人认为,与传统作品相比,它们没有深意。

­  “Some online novelists give up quality for speed updates (更新). Low-quality writing with repetitive (重复的) structure and rude language will not survive long,” Han Haoyue, writer and cultural critic, told Xinhua News Agency.

­  “一些网络小说写手为了加快更新的速度而放弃了小说的质量。低质量的写作再加上重复的框架和低俗的语言,这势必不会长久。”作家、文化评论人韩浩月在接受新华社采访时表示。

­  They also face problems with plagiarism (剽窃). For example, Eternal Love (《三生三世十里桃花》), a popular Chinese web novel that has been translated into English, has been accused of plagiarism.

­  此外,这些作品还面临着剽窃的问题。比如,已被译成英文的中国流行网络小说《三生三世十里桃花》就被指控抄袭剽窃。

­  Nevertheless, many people still think highly of them. “Chinese online literature has a cultural charm (魅力) and is easily accessible (易接触的) to young foreign audiences. It is a good channel to improve Chinese culture,” Wu Wenhui, CEO of digital reading platform (平台) China Reading, told Xinhua.

­  尽管如此,很多人依然对这些作品评价很高。“中国网络文学有一种文化魅力,很容易被年轻的外国读者理解。这是一个促进中国文化传播的好渠道。”数字阅读平台阅文集团CEO吴文辉在接受新华社采访时表示。

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