孔庙(Temple of Confucius)坐落于山东省曲阜市南门内,是纪念我国伟大思想家、教育家孔子的祠庙建筑(templebuilding),也是一组具有东方风格的大型建筑群。由于孔子创立的儒家思想(Confucianism)对于维护社会统治安定所起到的重要作用,孔庙便被古代帝王所器重。在古代经常举办祭孔典礼,或者是由皇帝自己,或者是由皇帝委任的髙级官员。祭孔的规模和祭天一样宏大。由此,孔子在历史上的重要地位便可见一斑。
Located inside the south gate of Qufu, Shandong, the Temple of Confucius is a large complex of temple buildings in oriental style in memory of Confucius, China's great thinker and educator. The importance of Confucianism created by Confucius in maintaining the social ruling stability made ancient emperors put a high value on the Temple of Confucius. In ancient times sacrifices were often offered to Confucius, either by Emperors themselves, or by emperor-appointed high officials. The scale of offering sacrifices to Confucius was as grand as that given to the Heaven. This gives us an idea of the importance of Confucius in history.
昆曲(Kunqu Opera)源于江苏昆山地区,至今已有600多年的历史,它是中国戏曲最古老的存在形式之一。昆曲有一个完整的表演体系并且有自己独特的腔调。昆曲在明朝初期得到发展。从16到18世纪,它一直主宰着中国戏曲。此外,昆曲还影响了许多其他的中国戏曲形式。今天,昆曲依然在中国的一些大城市被进行表演,受到了许多人的喜爱。
Kunqu Opera originated in the Kunshan region of Jiangsu. It is one of the oldest existing forms of Chinese operas with a history of more than 600 years. Kunqu Opera has a complete system of acting characterized by its own distinctive tunes. During the early Ming Dynasty, Kunqu Opera got developed and it dominated Chinese theatre from the 16th to the 18th century. In addition, Kunqu Opera has influenced many other Chinese theatre forms. Today, Kunqu Opera is still played in some major cities of China and enjoys a popularity among many people.
据说,中国的舞狮(lion dance)起源于南北朝(theSouthern and Northern Dynasties)时期,至今已有一千多年的历史了。狮子代表欢乐和幸福。在中国古代,从新年的第四天到第十五天,舞狮团会从一个村子舞到另一个村子。狮子本身包含一个头和一个身体。两个功夫武术家(Kung Fumartial artists)可以组成一头狮子。两名参与者必须都要有扎实的功夫才能表演。舞狮的过程中还配有音乐。狮子的每种情绪和动作都有自己的节奏。
It is said that the lion dance in China originated inthe Southern and Northern Dynasties with a historyof more than one thousand years. The lions representjoy and happiness.From the fourth day to thefifteenth of the New Year, lion dance groups wouldtour from village to village in ancient China.The lion itself consists of a head and a body. Everylion was made up of two Kung Fu martial artists qualified with a solid skill in Kung Fu.Duringthe lion dance, music is played and each of the lion's moods and moves has its own rhythm.
武术(Wushu)是中国典型的传统文化之一。它的理论基于中国古典哲学,而技巧则包括各种形式的较量:拳的较量、武器的较量以及徒手较量(unarmed combats)。武术不仅是一种体育锻炼,也是一种艺术形式。它可以用来治疗疾病,也可以用来自卫。它是一种人体文化的综合表现形式。武术在中国有着悠久的历史,大受人们的欢迎。今天,武术受到了其他国家越来越多的人的关注。
Wushu is one of the typical Chinese traditionalcultures.The theory of Wushu is based on theclassical Chinese philosophy while the skills of Wushuconsist of various forms of fighting: fist fights,weapon fights and unarmed combats.Wushu is notonly a sporting exercise but also an artistic form.It can be used to cure illness as well as forself-defense.It is a comprehensive form of human body culture.Wushu enjoys a long historyand great popularity in China.Today,Wushu is drawing the attention of more and more peoplein other nations.
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