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来源:新浪教育 2015-03-04 00:12 /


  Shot over 12 years, Richard linklater’s film about growing up is a devastatingly plausible biography of a real person – and a terrifying reminder that life is short.


  With so many movies contriving to be dumb, formulaic and yet messily over-complicated, the pure simplicity and clarity of Richard linklater’s masterly Boyhood makes a glorious change. It is a marvel, particularly its refusal to bend itself into any traditional screenplay-seminar narrative structure. like life, like old man river, it just keeps rolling along。


  The central conceit was endlessly and excitedly compared by critics to lots of different things when it arrived – largely Michael Apted’s 7-Up series and François truffaut’s Antoine Doinel movies – but the remarkable thing was that it really hadn’t been done before. The nearest attempt was probably Michael Winterbottom’s honourable attempt in his film Everyday。


  linklater took a child, Ellar Coltrane, and filmed him playing a kid called Mason in various naturalistic settings and situations for a few weeks every year for 12 years. He then stitched together the result: a devastatingly plausible biography of a real person. Before our eyes, the child became a man in a movie time lapse. The movie was loose and open-ended because that was how it had to be. The filming procedure was like life. Actually, it was life. How incredible to have a repertory cast of actors ready to commit, like family, to such a project over such a length of time。

  12年间,林克莱特每年都会抽出几周时间,记录男孩梅森(艾拉•科尔特兰 饰)在各种现实场景中的故事。当他将这些片段剪辑在一起时,一段无比真实的个人自传就诞生了。只是一部电影的时间,一个男孩就这样在我们眼前成长为男人。影片结构松散,留下了(现实本该有的)开放式结尾。同时,电影的推进就如同生活本身。而它确实就是真实的生活。像这样如同一家人一般的演员阵容每周固定出演,还能持续这么久,确实令人难以置信。

  It is impossible to watch this movie and not be moved and awestruck by an obvious truth: grownups were once children. The adults and the kids we see in movies, or outside in the streets, in real life – they are not separate races or tribes. They are the same. Ethan Hawke, playing the dad – he used to be a kid. Patricia Arquette, so wonderful as the mom – she used to be a kid. And Lorelei linklater, equally wonderful as Mason’s sister: she is, then was a kid. She, too, demonstrates a real-time growing up。


  And there is another simple, powerful truth that Boyhood demonstrates, one that I can’t remember seeing expressed with such force in any other film, or indeed any novel or play. And it is simply that life is terrifyingly short. It really is over in an instant. Watching this film as a parent is almost unbearably sad, especially when Patricia Arquette’s mom bids farewell to Mason as he heads off to college, cheerfully unconcerned about his parents’ empty-nest anguish。


  Boyhood is a film that inspires love. There can hardly be anything more worthwhile than that。



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