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来源:中国日报网 2018-12-14 11:30 /


­  1. Get outside every single day.

­  每天都出门。

­  It"s important to stay active throughout the winter months. Cycle to work. Walk your kids to school. Shovel snow. Go on weekend hikes with family or friends. Plan a winter camping trip. Visit local festivals. Just don"t hibernate!

­  在整个冬季保持身体活跃是很重要的。比如骑单车去上班、走路送孩子去上学、出门铲雪、周末与家人或朋友一起远足、计划冬季露营之旅、或是参与当地的节日活动。别缩在家里冬眠!

­  2. Plant an indoor garden.

­  种植室内花园。

­  You can grow vegetables indoors or simply surround yourself with houseplants that add a cheery, peaceful vibe to a room.

­  可以在室内种植蔬菜,或者种一圈室内植物环绕自己,为房间增添几分愉快且宁静的氛围。

­  3. Cook cozy, cold-weather fare.

­  烹制怡人且驱寒的食物。

­  Embrace how the change in seasons affects your diet. Make slow simmering stews and braises, spicy curries, heaps of soups, and fresh homemade breads. Winter is the best time to bake. Turning on the oven can warm your house and make the kitchen a gathering point for the family.

­  季节改变了,饮食习惯自然也要随之改变。烹制一些炖菜、辣咖喱、热汤、或是新鲜的自制面包。冬天可是烘烤的最佳时节。烤箱不仅可以温暖你的房子,也会使厨房成为家人团聚的地方。

­  4. Invite friends over.

­  邀请朋友过来玩。

­  Host informal gatherings on weekend evenings. No one will complain about curling up on a living room sofa to play board games for hours or to watch a movie together. Host a spa night with friends.

­  在周末晚上举办非正式聚会。大家蜷缩在客厅的沙发上玩上几个小时的棋盘游戏,或是一起看电影,没有人会抱怨的。此外,与朋友一起共度温泉之夜也是个不错的选择。

­  5. Create rituals you enjoy.

­  创造你喜欢的仪式。

­  I love taking hot bubble baths on winter evenings and drinking homemade matcha lattes or chai tea in the afternoons. My husband and I watch a favorite show and eat popcorn in front of the fireplace after kids have gone to bed.

­  我喜欢在冬天的晚上洗热水泡泡浴,下午喝自制的抹茶拿铁或印度奶茶。孩子们上床睡觉后,我丈夫会和我一起观看最喜欢的节目并在壁炉前吃爆米花。

­  6. Start a supper club.

­  开办一个晚餐俱乐部。

­  Meet once a month, alternating between people"s houses, and take turns choosing a theme and assigning dishes. Or you could make a batch of spaghetti and sauce and whoever wants to join can show up to eat if they bring a bottle of wine, garlic bread, or dessert.

­  成员每月会面一次,每次会面都在不同成员家中轮流举行,同时更改主题与菜肴。或者也可以让大家自带菜肴,比如你制作一盆意大利面与肉酱,其他人则带来葡萄酒、大蒜面包或甜点。

­  7. Make a reading list.

­  制作书单。

­  If you"re going out less in the evenings, then you should have more time to tackle all those books you wish you could read. Make winter your reading season, with dedicated hours spent in silence, traveling the world from the comfort of your couch. Set a goal, i.e. one book per week.

­  如果你晚上出门的时间较少,那么你应该有更多的时间去消灭自己想看的书。让冬季成为你的阅读季吧,在沉默中度过专属的时光,在舒适的沙发上环游世界。别忘了设定一个目标,比如,每周看一本书。

­  8. Keep the windows uncovered.

­  别让窗户被遮挡。

­  Keeping curtains open or using gauzy transparent ones to allow sunlight to enter the home. This will brighten the space, boost your mood, and make the short days feel just a wee bit longer.

­  打开窗帘或使用薄薄的透明窗帘,让阳光照进家中。这会照亮室内空间,改善你的情绪,让短暂的白天感觉更长一点。

­  9. Turn the lights on.

­  打开屋里的灯。

­  This might sound environment-unfriendly, but if it prevents depression and makes you more productive, it"s worth the tradeoff. Use LED bulbs so the energy cost can be pretty low.

­  开灯的做法可能听上去不太环保,但此举如果可以防止抑郁并让你更有效率,那就值得一试。如果使用LED灯泡,能源成本就可以非常低。

­  10. Invest in some really great socks.

­  买一些好袜子。

­  You may raise an eyebrow or even laugh aloud, but this is real, folks. Nothing is more miserable than having cold feet, and I highly recommend spending the money on a few great pairs of wool socks that will keep your feet toasty warm and dry all day long.?

­  你可能会感到惊讶,甚至大声嘲笑,但这招确实有用。没有什么比脚冷更痛苦的事了,我强烈建议大家买几双很棒的羊毛袜,让你的脚一整天都保持温暖与干燥。

原标题:双语阅读:天冷了 送你赶走冬季忧郁的10个小妙招
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