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来源:中国日报网 2018-07-25 16:28 /

­  你大概不知道,你的脚还隐含着你的个性密码,除了形状、大小和脚趾排列,还有种种细节把你的个性展露无遗。

­  Shape 形状

­  Wide feet means you’re someone who works hard, and are constantly in motion. Somebody with narrow feet may be prone to delegating responsibilities to others, giving them more time to enjoy the things in life that make them happy. Flat-footed people are often realistic, and enjoy the company of others. High arches can indicate you’re someone who thinks for themselves, and is prone to daydreaming from time to time.

­  宽脚意味着你是个工作努力的人,而且一直在走动。脚窄的人可能喜欢下放责任,让自己有更多时间享受那些给自己带来快乐的事物。脚底平的人通常比较实际,喜欢有人相伴。足弓高的人通常是为自己想得多的人,而且经常做白日梦。

­  Size 大小

­  Do you have large feet? Then you might be someone with stronger leadership qualities. Small-footed individuals can possess maturity, wisdom, and perhaps a little jealousy. A large big toe can mean solid business smarts, and those with long 2nd toes have strong opinions and a desire to lead.

­  你是不是有双大脚?那么你可能是个领导力强的人。小脚的人成熟、睿智也许还有点善妒。大脚趾大的人可能意味着善于经商,二脚趾长的人有主见、有领导欲。

­  Positioning 脚趾排列方式

­  If all of your toes are neatly in line, you’re someone people are going to look at as being logical, accurate, and sensible. Do you have one that’s squeezed under another toe? Then you might be somebody who experiences trust issues with other people. It may also be difficult for you to let go of the things that are bothering you. Toes that are bending towards your big toe can mean you spend too much of your time living in the past. Toes that are bending towards your little toe can suggest you’re someone who is often rushing through things in life.

­  如果你所有的脚趾都在一条水平线上,你应该就是别人眼中的那种逻辑性强、精确、明智的人。如果你有脚趾头被另一个脚趾头压着,你可能曾经历过对他人的信任危机,也可能难以忘记心头的烦恼。所有脚趾弯向大拇指意味着你花太多时间沉湎于过去。所有脚趾弯向小拇指可能意味着你经常匆忙草率。

­  再来看看其他“足尖密码”:

­  Second toe larger than big toe: strong natural leadership qualities.

­  二脚趾比大脚趾大:天生具备领导才能

­  Very small little toe: a childlike sense of fun. If it wiggles independently of the others, you"re adventurous and hate routine.

­  小脚趾很小:像孩子一样喜欢玩乐。如果小脚趾可以独立于其他脚趾头动来动去,那么你是个热爱冒险、讨厌常规的人。

­  Long feet: you want recognition for your good points. If they"re extra long, you love the limelight.

­  脚长:你渴望被人认可你的优点。如果你的脚特别长,你喜欢成为焦点。

­  Flat feet: very sociable, you feel re-energised when you"re around other people. You"d like more support.

­  脚底平:善于交际,和其他人在一起时会满血复活。你需要更多支持。

­  Square toes: you speak bluntly. If you have more than one, you"re strong-minded (ie: stubborn). Rounder toes are a sign of diplomacy.

­  有方形的脚趾头:讲话坦白直率。如果方形的脚趾头多于一个,你很有主见(也就是固执)。圆形的脚趾头意味着你很有外交手腕。

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