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双语:万圣节来听小朋友讲个鬼故事 万圣节鬼故事有哪些

来源:中国日报 2017-10-26 17:11 /

­  Colieoh took to Reddit to say that a little girl once said she didn"t want to go upstairs alone as there might be a man in her room.

­  一位名叫Colieoh的用户在红迪网上说,有个小女孩曾经说过,她不要独自一人上楼,因为她的房间可能有个男人。

­  The babysitter said it was probably her father checking up on her.

­  保姆说,可能是她的爸爸过来查看一下她是否安好。

­  "She said no because this guy was tall and skinny and her dad was short and fat," she explained.

­  保姆解释道:“小女孩说不是,因为这个男人又高又瘦,而她的爸爸又矮又胖。”

­  说者无意 听者惊悚!万圣节听小朋友讲鬼故事吧!

­  Another little girl complained of seeing people and said that there were strangers under the porch - including her "brother" who was stillborn.

­  另一个小女孩抱怨说她总是看到人,还说门廊下有陌生人,包括她胎死腹中的“哥哥”。

­  The creepiest thing she did though, was tell the babysitter "your master wishes to see you in the pit" before turning and skipping away.

­  这个小女孩做过的最诡异的事情,就是告诉保姆说“你的主人想在地狱里见到你。”然后就转身蹦蹦跳跳地走掉了。

­  Another Redditor said that they were watching a horror film when the child came downstairs, looked the babysitter dead in the eyes, and said: "Do you want to die?"

­  另外一名红迪网用户说,他们正在看恐怖电影,这时候孩子下楼,死死盯着保姆说:“你想死吗?”

­  Without hesitation, they told the youngster to go back to bed but when they put the film back, on a little boy around the same age uttered the same words to their mother on the screen.

­  他们毫不犹豫地让孩子回去睡觉,但是他们回放刚才那一段电影时,看见屏幕上一个年龄相仿的小男孩对他妈妈说出了同样的话。

­  It wasn"t the only mention of death, as another babysitter recounted the time a little girl pointed her finger at her and said "You"re going to die on May 27th".

­  这不是唯一一个提到死亡的孩子,另一名保姆回忆说,一个小女孩用手指指着她说:“你将在5月27日死去。”

­  She never clarified what year this unfortunate happening was due to take place.

­  她始终没搞明白她的死期将在哪一年降临。

­  Babysitters also spoke about how a lot of children saw imaginary people, with one boy staring at a wall and when told to lie down, said: "Don"t talk to him while we"re playing."

­  保姆们还提到很多孩子会看到想象出来的人,一个小男孩会盯着墙一直看,保姆让他躺下时,小男孩说:“我们玩的时候不要和他讲话。”

­  One little girl complained that she needed to go home when she was already in her house.

­  一个小女孩曾抱怨说,她得回家了,但是这个小女孩本来就在家里。

­  When the babysitter asked her what she meant, she simply sat up, stared at the babysitter for a few seconds and then slowly pointed towards the ceiling.

­  保姆问她这话是什么意思,小女孩坐起来,盯着保姆看了几秒钟,然后缓缓地指向了天花板。

­  英文来源:每日邮报

­  翻译&编辑:丹妮

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