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来源:考试吧 2017-06-19 09:05 /

Lecture 1

  Q16:B Conducting research on consumer behaviour

  解析:原文第一句提到:“Well my current research is really about consumer behavior.” 最近我在关注消费者行为这个课题。

  Q17:D It is an act of socialisting

  解析:文章中部提到:“One of the things that I've identified is that drinking for people say between the ages of 18 and 24 is all about the social activity.” 我的一项发现是年龄在18至24岁的人喝酒是出于社交原因。

  Q18:A They spent a week studying their own purchasing bahaviour.

  解析:文章最后提到:“last year my students spent a week looking at their own purchasing and analyzed it in detail from shopping to the relationship that they have with their retail banks and their mobile phone providers.” 去年我的学生花了一周时间去关注、分析他们的购物情况,以及他们和银行、手机制造商的关系。

Lecture 2

  Q19: D It is likely to give up paper money in the near future

  解析:在听力原文中说到Sweden was the first European country to print and use paper money, but it may soon do away with physical currencies. 瑞典是欧洲第一个印刷并使用纸币的国家,但可能不久就会停止使用。

  Q20:C whether the absence of physical currency causes a person to spend more

  解析:在听力原文中说到Barrett wanted to find out if the absence of physical currency does indeed cause a person to spend more, so she decided to conduct an experiment a few months ago. Barrett想知道不带现金是否会导致人们花更多的钱,所以几个月前她决定做一个实验。

  Q21:C the restaurant car accepted cash only

  解析:在听力原文中说到On the way, there was an announcement that the restaurant car was not currently accepting credit cards. The train cars were filled with groans because many of the passengers were traveling without cash. 在火车上,她发现餐车不接受信用卡消费,结果车上便充满了呻吟因为很多乘客都没有带现金。

  Q22:A By putting into envelopes

  解析:在听力原文中说到My parents, when they were younger, used to budget by putting money into envelopes— they'd get paid and they'd immediately separate the cash into piles and put them in envelopes, so they knew what they had to spend week by week. 我父母那一代,当他们年轻的时候,他们会把钱放进信封里来做预算。当他们拿到工资后,他们便立马把现金分为几份并放进信封,这样他们就能知道每周要花多少钱。

Lecture 3

  Q23:B Chrome hunger

  解析:原文提到:“So let’s start with a few problems. Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry.” 让我们先来说几个问题。现在有上十亿人长期处于饥饿状态。

  Q24:B About half of them are unintended

  解析:在听力原文中说到About half of all pregnancies globally are unintended.全球有近五成意外受孕。

  Q25:A It is essential to the wellbeing of all species on earth

  解析:原文提到:“It’s not only the study of human population, but the populations of non-human species. Demography also includes the study of non-living objects.” 人口统计学,不仅是关于人类的种群,也关乎于非人类种群,还包括无生命的对象。由此可见,人口问题对所有物种来说都是必要的。


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