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来源:新东方在线论坛 2017-03-16 11:15 /

­  【GRE阅读题目解析:白蚁群和恒河猴群】GRE考试考什么?GRE阅读是重点。新


­  GRE阅读题目解析:白蚁群和恒河猴群

­  P5

­  When the same parameters and quantitative theory are used to analyze both termite colonies and troops of rhesus macaques, we will have a unified science of sociobiology. I have been increasingly impressed with the functional similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences that seem, at first glance, to constitute such an immense gulf between them. Consider termites and macaques. Both form cooperative groups that occupy territories. In both kinds of society there is a well-marked division of labor. Members of both groups communicate to each other hunger, alarm, hostility, caste status or rank, and reproductive status. From the specialist‘s point of view, this comparison may at first seem facile — or worse. But it is out of such deliberate oversimplification that the beginnings of a general theory are made. (134 words)

­  12. Which of the following best summarizes the author‘s main point?

­  (A) Oversimplified comparisons of animal societies could diminish the likelihood of developing a unified science of sociobiology.

­  (B) Understanding the ways in which animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques resemble each other requires train in both biology and sociology.

­  (C) Most animals organize themselves into societies that exhibit patterns of group behavior similar to those of human societies.

­  (D) Animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques follow certain similar and predictable patterns of behavior.

­  (E) A study of the similarities between insect and vertebrate societies could provide the basis for a unified science of sociobiology.

­  13. Select the sentence in the passage in which the author suggests that there are significant structural differences between insect and vertebrate societies.

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­  P5

­  1

­  When the same parameters and quantitative theory are used to analyze both termite colonies and troops of rhesus macaques, we will have a unified science of sociobiology.

­  用相同的参数和数量理论分析白蚁群和恒河猴群,我们将得到一套完整的社会生物科学。

­  2

­  I have been increasingly impressed with the functional similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences that seem, at first glance, to constitute such an immense gulf between them.

­  我越来越深刻意识到昆虫社会与脊椎动物社会功能上的相似,而最初注意到的他们社会结构方面的巨大差异,则显得没那么重要了。

­  3

­  Consider termites and macaques. Both form cooperative groups that occupy territories.

­  仔细考察白蚁和恒河猴,二者都形成了定居某一区域的互助群体。

­  4

­  In both kinds of society there is a well-marked division of labor.

­  在二者的社会中都有相当明显的分工。

­  5

­  Members of both groups communicate to each other hunger, alarm, hostility, caste status or rank, and reproductive status.

­  双方的群体成员都会互相交流饥饿,警报,敌对,等级或社会地位信息,以及繁殖状态。

­  6

­  From the specialist‘s point of view, this comparison may at first seem facile — or worse.

­  也许专家会认为这样的比较流于肤浅或根本就是错误。

­  7

­  But it is out of such deliberate oversimplification that the beginnings of a general theory are made. (134 words)

­  但很多综合理论都是从这种刻意简化(的比较)出发的。

­  12. Which of the following best summarizes the author‘s main point?

­  (A) Oversimplified comparisons of animal societies could diminish the likelihood of developing a unified science of sociobiology.

­  (B) Understanding the ways in which animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques resemble each other requires train in both biology and sociology.

­  (C) Most animals organize themselves into societies that exhibit patterns of group behavior similar to those of human societies.

­  (D) Animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques follow certain similar and predictable patterns of behavior.

­  (E) A study of the similarities between insect and vertebrate societies could provide the basis for a unified science of sociobiology.

­  选 E

­  A 错在 diminish the likelihood of developing a unified science,那我们跟着瞎忙活啥呢。

­  B 意识到白蚁和猴子彼此有差异,不需要任何训练,看样子就知道不是一家人啊。

­  C similar to those of human societies,跨度太大,根据文段信息无法判断。

­  D similar 似乎可以接受,可参考句 2,是不是 predictable 就未知了。

­  E 正确。

­  13. Select the sentence in the passage in which the author suggests that there are significant structural differences between insect and vertebrate societies.

­  句 2 。

­  I have been increasingly impressed with the functional similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences that seem, at first glance, to constitute such an immense gulf between them.

­  乍看之下,都有 immense gulf 了,显然 significant structural differences.

­  “ 谨以此翻译献给所有四川某基地饱受糖尿病脂肪肝折磨的恒河猴们。”

­  以上就是新东方在线GER频道为你带来的GRE阅读题目解析:白蚁群和恒河猴群,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线GRE频道。

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