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来源:新东方前途出国 2017-02-27 15:07 /

­  Stop Making Promises

­  别再做承诺

­  Always under-promise and over-deliver. Whenyou make a promise, you’re adding responsibility to your plate that, despiteall your best intentions, you may not be able to deliver on. More often thannot, your promise is an absolute (i.e “I promise I’ll always love you”), and onlySith deal in absolutes. Instead of making a promise with your words, simply bethere when people need you, and exceed their expectations with your actions.

­  总是做承诺,总是做不到。每次做承诺都是不禁给自己增添了责任,无论你的出发点有多好,你都不可能完成所有的部分。大部分时候,你的承诺都太过绝对(比如“我发誓我永远爱你”),也只能在绝对环境中才能实现。与其用语言许下承诺,不如在别人需要你的时候出现,然后用行动达到他们的期望吧。

­  Stop Being a Pushover

­  不要做老好人

­  We live in a capitalistic society in whicheveryone’s trying to sell us something. Everyone’s looking out for themselvesin one way or another, and you need to do the same. Stop putting yourself outbecause you’re too shy to say no.

­  我们所处的社会,每个人都试图告知我们一些事情。每个人都从不同的角度去找寻着自己,你也需要,你要做的就是在合适的时候说不。

­  Stop Listening to Haters

­  不要听讨厌的人说话

­  No matter what you want to do in life,there’s always someone around to tell you why it can’t and won’t work. I cancome up with millions of reasons Twitter won’t work, and yet it’s one of themost popular social media sites on the web. My opinion didn’t stop Twitter’ssuccess any more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit the NBA or Josh Hartnettto stop acting. Why would you let someone’s opinion stop you?

­  无论你想干什么,总会有人告诉你不要这么做,没有用的。我可以想出成百万条推特不实用的理由,但它还是互联网上最流行的社交网站之一。我的想法不会阻止推特的成功,就像你无法劝科比退出NBA或乔什·哈奈特不要当演员了一样,都毫无意义。那么为什么要让别人的想法阻止你呢?

­  Stop Being Wasteful

­  停止浪费

­  You don’t finish your meals,and away food instead. You leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth,pouring precious water down the drain. You drive places you could easily walk,burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource)。 You are wasteful,and it needs to stop.

­  你饭没吃完,然后扔掉食物;刷牙的时候还开着水龙头,就让宝贵的水哗哗的流走;明明可以走到的地方你偏要开车,燃烧汽油(无法再生资源)。如果你浪费了,那就赶紧停止这一恶习。

­  Stop Littering

­  不要乱扔垃圾

­  The only thing I hate more than wastefulpeople are litterbugs. Litterbugs are my least favorite bug, and there are morethan you’d think. If you’ve ever thrown even one piece of gum, paper, candywrapper, cigarette butt, etc on the ground, you’re a disgusting litterbug, andyou should be ashamed of yourself. There are over 7 billion people in the world– if each person only throws one “innocent” piece ofgarbage on the ground, that’s 7 billion pieces of garbage littering a world in which nobody “did it”。

­  唯一一个让我觉得比浪费的人更可恶的就是垃圾虫。垃圾虫最让我厌恶,而且永远多的让你数不清。如果你曾扔过一块口香糖,一张纸、糖果包装、烟蒂,那么你就是恶心的垃圾虫。你应该感到耻辱。世界上有超过70亿的人——如果每个人都无意识的扔一点垃圾,那么全世界就会变成70亿垃圾场,哪怕没有罪魁祸首。

­  Your one decision makes a HUGE difference,and I will not allow you to blow it off and walk around with your head heldhigh. You’re a litterbug, and it needs to stop immediately. You don’t get alifehack for this one, you filthy animal. Just stop – you already know how.

­  你的一个决定会产生深远的影响,我不赞成你去大马路大声高呼。如果你是垃圾虫,那么就需要马上停止了,也许不会救命,但能让你不那么惹人厌。停止这一举动吧,你知道该怎么做的。

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