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来源:英语天天练 2016-11-15 17:50 /

­  最近爆火的《奇异博士》你看过了吗?有没有被逆天特效震撼到,有没有被化身傲娇博士的“卷福”萌到?事实上,影片除了绚丽的视效和帅帅的卷福,片中大量彩蛋和趣味小料也是观影的一大乐趣。没看懂这些,那么《奇异博士》你就算白看了。

­  Doctor Strangeis a visual triumph and one of the finest show-cases for effects work that has ever been. While the film is far from flawless (the plot is thin, supporting characters are likewise), this is very much a case where spectacle is the right distraction.

­  电影《奇异博士》就是一场视觉盛宴,它可谓是迄今为止在特效方面最成功的案例之一。虽然影片并非没有缺陷(情节单薄,配角千篇一律),但壮观的场面会让你沉浸其中,无暇关注其他问题。

­  It is steeped in the rich heritage of Doctor Strangecomics, taking in a lot of the almost impenetrable lore of that universe and making the most surprising thing: an adaptation that is a true homage to the creators. If you"re a fan of Steve Ditko"s aesthetic, you need to see this film.

­  影片大量继承了《奇异博士》漫画中的元素,融入了许多令人费解的专业细节知识,取得了惊人成就:一部真正向原著者致敬的漫画改编电影。如果你是史蒂夫•迪特科的漫粉,那一定要去看这部电影。

­  Here are the biggest and best Easter Eggs, References and In-Jokes In Doctor Strange...

­  下面是《奇异博士》里最显眼、最精彩的彩蛋、引用和调侃......

­  16. Avengers Tower

­  16. 复仇者大厦

­  Though Doctor Strangeis firmly a stand-alone, it does have links to the rest of the MCU and one comes right at the start.

­  虽然《奇异博士》是完全独立的一部电影,但依然与漫威宇宙的其他元素有联系,而且影片开头就出现了。

­  As the camera pans over Strange"s New York, the iconic image of the Avengers tower can be seen towering over the rest of the city.

­  跟随镜头俯瞰奇异博士所在的纽约,可以看到复仇者大厦的标志性形象高高耸立在城市中。

­  This is one of only a couple of Avengers nods - you won"t find any mention of the Accords or the Incident, because they haven"t actually happened yet in Strange"s world. The start of the film happens around the time of Iron Man 2.

­  这是片中少数与复仇者联盟相关的暗示之一—你不会看到任何提及《索科维亚协议》或“纽约外星人事件”的线索,因为在奇异博士的世界里这些事件还没有发生。电影的开头发生在《钢铁侠2》的年代。

­  15. The Iron Man 2 Reference

­  15. 《钢铁侠2》桥段

­  While driving to the conference after what proves to be his final operation and just before he plunges spectacularly into the river, Strange discusses interesting cases he can take on next.

­  奇异博士完成最后一个手术之后,驾车去参加会议。在他开车冲进河里的壮观一幕发生前,奇异博士讨论了接下来要操刀的一些有趣病例。

­  He mentions a "35 year old Marine Colonel, crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor."

­  他提到一个“35岁的海军上校,被某种实验盔甲压碎了下脊柱。”

­  What it actually refers to is the soldiers testing Justin Hammer’s bootleg rip-off suits who gets his spine twisted. We learn of that in Iron Man 2"s court room scene.

­  实际上这些士兵是因为测试贾斯汀•哈默的盗版装甲而导致脊椎扭曲的。我们在《钢铁侠2》法院庭审一幕里看过这段。

­  14. Kaecilius

­  14. 卡西利亚斯

­  Kaecilius is actually a villain from the comics, though an unexpectedly minor one. In the film he"s actually more like an amalgamation of several characters: he"s based at least partly on the traditional presentation of Mordo, as well as black magic wizard Kaluu and his master Dormammu.

­  卡西利亚斯实际上是漫画里一个不太起眼的反派。在影片中,这一角色更像是多个人物形象的融合:他至少部分借鉴了莫度、黑魔法师卡鲁和他的主人多玛姆等人的形象特征。

­  13. The Pop Culture References

­  13. 流行文化桥段

­  The film oddly features a number of pop culture references when Doctor Strange is trying to break the ice with Wong. He asks if he just has a single name "like Adele" and then proceeds to mention Bono, Eminem and Drake as well as Aristotle. And then later when the pair meet again, Strange sasses Wong and mentions Beyonce, who Wong seems not to recognise, only to be revealed in the next scene to be listening to her on his walkman.

­  在电影中,当奇异博士试图与老王打破沉默时,奇怪地提到了许多和流行文化相关的人和事物。他问老王是否“像阿黛尔一样”,名字只有一个单词,还提到了亚里斯多德、波诺、埃米纳姆和德雷克。后来,两人再次见面,奇异博士和老王拌嘴时提到了碧昂丝,老王似乎不认识碧昂丝,不过在接下来的场景中,老王用随身听听她的歌。

­  12. Wong

­  12. 跟班老王

­  Wong is of course a character from the comics too, but he has been adapted out to a more modern, less difficult character. On the page he was a stereotypical (caricatured) servant character, capable of fighting but not magic.

­  老王与漫画里的形象差别很明显,他被改编成一个更现代、更好相处的角色。漫画里,他被刻画成一个典型的仆人角色,有战斗能力,但不擅长魔法。

­  Here he"s still a martial arts expert, but he has been elevated to a real Sorceror able to wield artefacts and cast spells.

­  在电影里,他依然是一个武术高手,但他已经升级为一个真正的魔法师,能够运用法器,施展法术。

­  11. The Costumes

­  11. 服装

­  Both Strange and Mordo"s outfits are very closely modelled on their traditional comic book looks. Doctor Strange looks almost exactly as fans of the comics would expect him to - including the white streaks in his hair and the flowing red cape.

­  奇异博士和莫度的服装都是严格按照漫画中的造型定制的。奇异博士看起来几乎和漫画里完全一样——包括白色鬓角和飞扬的红色披风,粉丝一定会满意。

­  And Mordo"s outfit takes in the traditional green robes he"s always worn in the comics. It"s a slightly toned down version, but that sort of theatricality comes with real supervillainy...

­  莫度的服饰采用了他在漫画里经常穿的传统绿色长袍。这身衣服虽然稍显暗淡,但真正的超级反派自会穿出它的气场……

­  10. The Avengers" Role In The World

­  10. 复仇者在这个世界上的作用

­  The second mention of the Avengers comes as a brief but clever explanation of why the Sorcerors wouldn"t have turned up to help with the Incident or any other major attack on the real world. They don"t intervene simply because it isn"t their remit.

­  影片中第二次提及复仇者时,简洁明了地解释了为什么法师们不去帮忙解决之前现实世界里发生的众多危机事件。他们不插手干预,仅仅是因为那并非其职责所在。

­  Wong tells Doctor Strange that while the Avengers "protect the world from physical dangers. We safeguard it against more mystical threats."

­  老王告诉奇异博士,复仇者“保护世界免受有形危害,我们则保护它免受更多的神秘威胁”。

­  It"s only now that more magical threats like Loki and Thanos have appeared that the sorcerors have broken cover.

­  现在看来,只有像洛基、灭霸这样更强大的神秘威胁出现时,法师们才会出手。

­  9. Dormammu

­  9. 多玛姆

­  Dormammu is as old an adversary for Doctor Strange as Baron Mordo is and the idea of Strange having to keep him out of the Earthly realm is a big part of the comics. There too he dwells in the Dark Dimension seeking a way to take over Earth.

­  和莫度男爵一样,多玛姆也是奇异博士的老对手。漫画中着墨较多的是奇异博士阻止多玛姆靠近地球领域的情节。电影里,潜伏在黑暗维度里的多玛姆想方设法要接管地球。

­  In the comics too Strange and Dormammu are forced into a pact when Strange helps save the demon from the Mindless Ones and Dormammu is forced to agree not to ever attack Earth again.

­  在漫画里,奇异博士和多玛姆曾达成协议,奇异博士帮助他从无脑巨人手中救下一个恶魔,多玛姆因此被迫同意不再袭击地球。

­  It"s a shame they didn"t go with the massive half-balrog sort of design traditionally associated with the character in the comics.

­  遗憾的是,电影中的多玛姆没有延续漫画里近乎炎魔一样的原著设计。

­  8. The Cloak Of Levitation = Magic Carpet

­  8. 魔浮斗篷 = 魔毯

­  In the comics, Doctor Strange"s Cloak Of Levitation is slightly different to the way its presented on screen, though there is a level of familiarity. Originally the Cloak was presented without any actual will of its own, though it has acted on the will of its wearer without command in some instances. In the source comics the Cloak is actually given to Strange as a prize for beating Dormammu, rather than it choosing him.

­  电影中呈现出的奇异博士的魔浮斗篷与漫画版有一定相似性,但两者略有不同。原版斗篷是没有任何自我意志的,尽管有时候会在没有收到命令的情况下依据穿戴者的意愿而行动。在漫画原著中,事实上奇异博士是因为打败多玛姆才获赠斗篷的,而不是斗篷选择了他。

­  In the film, this is extended somewhat to give the Cloak more personality, and it definitely feels like the writers and animators went and watched Disney"s Aladdin for tips on how to do that.

­  影片中,斗篷被赋予了更多的个性,感觉编剧和特效师像是参照迪斯尼的《阿拉丁神灯》来呈现的。

­  7. The Matrix

­  7. 黑客帝国

­  It would be foolish not to mention The Matrixat this point because of how closely the films are linked toDoctor Strange. In both cases there is a reluctant Chosen One, a mystical guide who educates him, a megalomaniac villain seeking more power for himself and a mostly ignorant general public unaware of the magic happening around them.

­  人们免不了要拿来《黑客帝国》和《奇异博士》作比较,因为两部电影很相似,都有一个不情愿的天选之子,都有一个神秘的引导者教育他,都有一个想要得到更强大力量的狂妄反派,也都有一群对周围发生的神奇变化毫不知情的无知群众。

­  Kevin Feige even mentioned that the concept of magic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is inspired by The Matrixas well as the work of Stanley Kubrick and Hayao Miyazaki。

­  凯文•菲戈甚至提到,漫威电影宇宙里的魔法概念灵感是来自于《黑客帝国》以及斯坦利•库布里克和宫崎骏的电影。

­  6. Wand Of Watoomb

­  6. 瓦图姆魔杖

­  Prior to his untimely death (which is quickly undone by Doctor Strange"s time travel meddling), Wong makes a final stand out in front of the Hong Kong Sanctum, proving himself to be a badass and not just a really, really poor librarian.

­  在老王不幸死掉之前(后来奇异博士通过时间旅行迅速进行了干预让老王复生),他在香港圣所前挺身而出,证明自己并非孬种,不只是一个差劲的图书管理员。

­  During the fight he"s seen wielding what appears to be the Wand of Watoomb, another key magical artefact from the comics.

­  在大战中,他挥舞的武器好像是漫画里的另一件关键魔法宝物,瓦图姆魔杖。

­  In the comics, the wand is able to open portals and windows to other dimensions and project huge magical energies. It"s not actually all that important, but it has an important part in Strange"s comics history as it was the centre of the first story uniting the Sorceror Supreme with Spider-Man.

­  在漫画里,这根魔杖能够打开通向其他维度的入口,还可以释放巨大的魔法能量。其实它并没有那么重要,但在漫画中的关键作用是促成了蜘蛛侠与奇异博士的初次相遇。

­  5. The Other Realm Design

­  5. 其他维度的设计

­  The design of the multiverse from the first time it"s glimpsed at the start of the film and through to Strange"s trip into the Dark Dimension is absolutely stunning.

­  多元世界的设计在电影开头就已隐约闪现,而奇异博士的黑暗维度之旅绝对让人叹为观止。

­  There"s obviously been a great deal of attention been paid to Steve Ditko"s outrageous psychedelic designs from the comics.

­  电影中的异域维度明显大量参考了史蒂夫•迪特科漫画里令人咋舌的迷幻设计。

­  It"s really quite stunning how well the film brings that spirit to the big screen. You"ll see nothing like it for a long time.

­  影片如此完整地将原著精髓搬上大银幕,真的很令人震撼。这样的电影难得一遇。

­  4. Mordo"s Heel-Turn

­  4. 莫度的倒戈

­  Despite the way he views Kaecilius" betrayal of The Ancient One, Mordo eventually ends up going the same way, albeit with more morally good intentions. He wants to police the way Sorcerors act and stop them interfering with the Natural Order after he is horrified at Doctor Strange"s use of the Eye Of Agamotto to turn back time.

­  尽管莫度认为卡西利亚斯背叛了古一,但最终他也走上了同样的路,即使更多是出于道义。在目睹奇异博士使用阿戈摩托之眼让时光倒流之后,他感到非常惊骇,所以想要管制法师们的行为,阻止他们干扰自然秩序。

­  3. The Mid-Credits

­  3. 片中彩蛋

­  In the mid credits sequence, Thor is seen conversing in the New York Sanctum with Strange. The pair verbally spar a little, Strange conjures his Asgardian guest some beer and they get to business.

­  在电影中间的彩蛋里,雷神出现在奇异博士的纽约圣所内,二人交谈几句后,奇异博士变出了一些啤酒,递给雷神,然后他们开始商量正事。

­  Strange reveals that he has a powers watchlist, which tracks any entity deemed a mystical threat to Earth - ironic since he was on SHIELD"s watchlist as a threat to Earth too. His list includes Loki, who has pinged the list after reappearing in London with Thor.

­  奇异博士透露,他整理了一份监视名单,跟踪任何会威胁到地球的神秘对象——具有讽刺意味的是,他也在神盾局的观察名单上,被认为是对地球的威胁。奇异博士的名单上有洛基,他和雷神再次出现在伦敦后就被奇异博士盯上了。

­  Presumably since Thor is now aware that his brother is alive (both are looking for their missing father), this is a scene picked out of the middle of Thor: Ragnarok, just as the post-credits stinger on Ant-Manwas a scene taken from Civil War. So that"s confirmation that Strange is appearing in Ragnarok then.

­  大概雷神现在已经知道洛基还活着(二人正在寻找失踪的父亲奥丁),这可能是从《雷神3》中随意挑选出来的一个场景,正如《蚁人》的片尾彩蛋是《美国队长3:内战》中的一幕。这预示着奇异博士会出现在《雷神3》里。

­  2. The Post-Credits Stinger

­  2. 片尾彩蛋

­  If you"re patient enough to wait until after the credits (they"re not all that long actually), there"s a second stinger, this time starring Mordo.

­  如果你耐心等到片尾字幕结束,就能看到第二个彩蛋,这次是莫度。

­  He visits Benjamin Bratt"s Jonathan Pangborn who revealed to Strange that the Ancient One had the power to help him as he was a paraplegic whose health was restored using magic. Mordo believes this to be another act of abomination and undoes the work, leaving Pangborn paralysed.

­  莫度去拜访本杰明•布拉特饰演的乔纳森•潘伯恩。潘伯恩原是一个截瘫患者,后通过魔法恢复了健康,正是他建议奇异博士去找古一帮忙。莫度认为这也是一种罪恶的行为,于是使潘伯恩再次瘫痪。

­  This is clearly the first step in Mordo"s "evil" plan to rid the world of Sorcerors after they meddled too much with the Natural Order. That"s going to be a great way to bring him back as a recurring character in the future too.

­  这显然只是莫度诸多“邪恶”计划的第一步,他认为魔法师过多干涉自然秩序,自以为是地整顿魔法师世界。这样便巧妙地让他成为一个未来可以反复出现的角色。

­  The final note on the credits also reads Doctor Strange Will Return. Good.

­  片尾最后提醒大家,奇异博士还将归来。太好了!

­  1. Benedict Cumberbatch"s Cameo

­  1. 本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇的客串

­  Yes, you read that correctly: Benedict Cumberbatch does indeed have a non-Doctor Strange cameo in Doctor Strange.

­  你没看错:本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇在《奇异博士》中除了扮演奇异博士,确实还客串了其他角色。

­  As confirmed by director Scott Derrickson to IGN, Cumberbatch provided the voice and facial capture for Dormammu。

­  正如导演斯科特•德瑞克森向IGN透露的那样,康伯巴奇为多玛姆贡献了声音和面部表情。

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