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凉凉英文版叫什么 凉凉英文版完整歌词介绍

来源:4667网 2018-04-17 15:12 /





  Female: growing cool at night

  Flowers fall to the ground into cream

  What are you gazing at a distance

  Run out of all the twilight

  Don't think the hard to forget

  Male: yao yao peach blossom is cool

  How do you bring in another life

  A heart the vast sea

  And anodyne not far-fetched

  Are all false

  Female: cool night for your thoughts into the river

  Maternal gentleness care for me

  Man: a small years brushed with lover sleeve

  Patches of wheatgrass into the water

  Female: cool billow providence a suit of design and color

  Fall into the bun with my injury

  Male: born of vulnerable to cross the love fate

  The heart of the depreciation of the previous existence in a few minutes

  With a little

  Us: previous incarnations of hate

  Female: have temples to micro frost

  After you back to the light

  Long long time

  How can a waste of time

  Go to stray

  Man: go to stray

  Woman: to grow in

  M: cool spring peach blossom

  This life increasingly hot

  A has assured

  Enough junior iii figure in pairs

  Female: figure in pairs

  Man: another side of the river

  Female: cool night for your thoughts into the river

  Maternal gentleness care for me

  Man: a small years brushed with lover sleeve

  Patches of wheatgrass into the water

  Female: cool billow providence a suit of design and color

  Fall into the bun with my injury

  Male: born of vulnerable to cross the love fate

  The heart of the depreciation of the previous existence in a few minutes

  Female: cold junior iii visions

  In a moment of dry the tears

  Man: if the memory can't be made

  Let time fell nine dust sake

  Woman: when cool miles will spring

  He saw a light wind put under the tree

  Male: has nothing

  Don't let grudges pure love hate cool off the flowers

  Together: we may lead dust


原标题:凉凉英文版叫什么 凉凉英文版完整歌词
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