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H1Z17月21日更新内容介绍 H1Z17月21日更新了什么

来源:7230手游网 2017-07-21 11:35 /

­  H1Z17月21日更新内容介绍,H1Z17月21日更新了什么。H1Z17月21日更新内容此次更新内容包括了一些修复、名称更改及服务器网络问题,具体内容请看下文。

­  修正了一个玩家可以坐在车里的某个角落射击而不会受到伤害。

­  防作弊:变更了几项内容,以进一步防止作弊。

­  可以通过“N”键切换网络诊断HUD元素。如果您遇到延迟或不同步问题,可以录制视频发送给我们,这对于问题的解决将是一个巨大的帮助。

­  Steam头像不应再在主菜单中偶尔丢失。

­  当受害者被气流,坠落或汽车爆炸等间接伤害所杀时,玩家现在将正确地获得分数。通过修复莫洛托夫和爆炸箭造成的击杀由玩家击杀改为环境杀。

­  当医药包没有真正发挥作用开始回血的时候将不再被消耗(这种情况发生在一个医药包刚刚被使用而快速用第二个医药包的时候)

­  修复了在装弹药的同时射击可能导致弹药数量不正确的问题。

­  从俯卧状态到站起来的动画不在被跳过

­  将“绷带”和“其他医疗物品”按键改名为“医疗1”和“医疗2”,因为任何医疗物品都可以装备在任一插槽。

­  车辆可以正确的破坏邮箱

­  医疗物品和卫生间里的物品将不在大量刷新在地下仓库。

­  修正了引起无限负荷屏幕(IRM)的问题。我们仍在调查,确保是否还存在其他原因未被发现或是处理。

­  修复了过时的显卡驱动或者超频的/过热的CPU可能引起游戏崩溃的问题。

­  修正了当服务器崩溃时将断开所有正在进行比赛的玩家。

­  郑重提醒,在服务器停机期间,NA,EU和APAC公共测试服务器将对所有人开放。

­  原文

­  H1Z1: King of the Kill game servers will be coming down on Thursday, July 20th at 1pm PST for maintenance and an update. Downtime is estimated to be approximately 4 hours. The update includes several bug fixes, server optimizations and various other improvements.Belowis a list of the changes:

­  Hit-Reg: Fixed an issue where shots could pass through players sitting in vehicles from certain angles, without taking damage.

­  Anti-cheat: Several changes have been incorporated to further prevent cheating.

­  Updated the network diagnostic HUD element that can be toggled on by pressing ‘N’ (default). Please enable this while recording or streaming – if you encounter latency or desync issues and send us the video, it’ll be a huge help to pinpointing problems.

­  Steam avatars should no longer occasionally be missing in the main menu lobby.

­  Players will now correctly be awarded credit for kills when their victim is “finished off” by indirect damage such as gas, falling, or car explosions. Also fixed Molotov’s and explosive arrows counting as environmental kills instead of player kills.

­  Med kits are no longer consumed when they do not actually begin a heal over time (this occurs when a med kit is applied when another med kit healing effect is already active on the player).

­  Fixed an issue where firing at the same time as a reload is triggered could cause the ammo count to be incorrect.

­  The prone to stand up animation can no longer be skipped.

­  Renamed the “Bandages” and “Other Medical” key bindings to “Medical 1” and “Medical 2” since any medical item can be equipped in either slot.

­  Postal boxes will now correctly take damage from vehicles.

­  Objects and lootable items no longer spawn slightly underground in warehouses.

­  Fixed an issue that was causing infinite load screens (IRM). We are still investigating this to make sure any other causes are identified and addressed.

­  Fixed a crash that could occur with outdated graphics drivers or overheating/overclocked GPUs.

­  Fixed a server crash that would disconnect all players in a match when it occurred.

­  Just a reminder that during the Live server downtime, the NA, EU and APAC Public Test servers will be open for everyone.

­  以上就是小编介绍的全部内容!

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