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来源:新东方在线 2015-11-24 15:45 /

  ( )51。 There ______ a park near our school since two years ago。

  A。 is B。 was C。 has been D。 will be

  ( )52。 Lucy is very free。 Look, she ______ a model ship。

  A。 makes B。 made C。 has made D。 is making

  ( )53。 Many students in our class ______ glasses over their eyes in class。

  A。 put on B。 dress C。 wear D。 get dressed

  ( )54。 What do you think we should ________ improve our environment?

  A。 do B。 to C。 do for D。 do to

  ( )55。 They‘ve found a way to ______ that waste thing。

  A。 do B。 do with C。 throw D。 move away

  ( )56。 We find the book very ______。

  A。 interest B。 interesting   C。 interests D。 interested

  ( )57。 She has _____ finished her lunch, but she hasn‘t washed her bowls ______。

  A。 already, yet B。 just, already    C。 already, just D。 just, yet

  ( )58。 Uncle Wang has been here ______ ten years ago。

  A。 for B。 since C。 in D。 at

  ( )59。 They went to London ______ just over five months。

  A。 for B。 since C。 before D。 when

  ( )60。 The weather was ______ it is today。

  A。 not as wetter as B。 not wetter than  C。 more wetter than D。 wetter as

  ( )61。 The little boy was ________with the big boy because he was ____words to him。

  A。 fond, speaking B。 angry, saying   C。 angry, talking   D。 friendly, telling

  ( )62。 Lucy, please don‘t play with fire。 __________。

  A。 How can you say like that? B。 It‘s right。

  C。 It doesn‘t matter。 D。 Sorry, I won’t do it again。

  ( )63。 We don‘t know If it _____。 If it_____, we won’ t go out for a walk。

  A。 rains, will rain, B。 rains, rains   C。 will rain, will rain  D。 will rain, rains

  ( )64。 It‘s difficult _____your sound because the noise is too high。

  A。 to listen  B。 to know  C。 to learn D。 to hear

  ( )65。 He says ____he will be back soon。

  A。 when   B。 what  C。 that    D。 where

  ( )66。 He told a very ____story about his life in America。

  A。 live   B。 living   C。 lively   D。 life

  ( )67。 If you don‘t get up early, you’ II ____the bus。

  A。 not miss  B。 miss   C。 catch   D。 lost

  ( )68。 How long ____it ___to go there by train?

  A。 do, take  B。 does, take  C。 does, spend   D。 does, play

  ( )69。 A young man practised ______ English with Mr Green。

  A。 speak  B。 speaking C。 to speak   D。 speak in

  ( )70。 She says she can get to Tian’anmen from Wangfujing by bike_____ ten minutes。

  A。 after B。 in C。 before D。 about

  ( )71。 We should help her when she is ________。

  A。 in trouble B。 in a trouble  C。 in the trouble D。 in troubles

  ( )72。 The policeman kept the thief ________ for four hours。

  A。 standing B。 to stand C。 to sit D。 siting

  ( )73。 I want to visit England ______。

  A。 if it possible  B。 as soon possible  C。 as soon as possible D。 if possible

  ( )74。 They ______Hong Kong twice。

  A。 have gone to B。 have been to C。 have been in D。 have gone in

  ( )75。 I have never seen _____film before。

  A.a so interesting B.a such interesting C.so a interesting D。 such an interesting

  ( )76。 Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday ______Jim。

  A。 but    B。 not    C。 except   D。 besides

  ( )77。 What ______just now?

  A。 was happened   B。 were happened   C。 happened    D。 happens

  ( )78。 If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind ____ classmates。

  A.another B.the others C.other D.the other

  ( )79。 ______ did lin Tao say about Mount Emei?

  A。 What   B。 How    C。 When    D。 Why

  ( )80。 I’m afraid ______ you may be late。

  A。 when   B。 that   C。 why    D。 how

  ( )81。 I ______ able to sing any song but this one。

  A。 may B。 can C。 am D。 would

  ( )82。 Everybody is here _______ Jim Green。

  A。 as B。 with C。 on D。 except

  ( )83。 Which of these do you think is ____ useful invention?

  A.the more B.the second more C.most D.the second most

  ( )84。 Do you know where ______ from?

  A。 he come B。 he comes C。 did he come D。 does he came

  ( )85。 Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroom。

  A。 to sit B。 sat C。 siting D。 sitting

  ( )86。 I______ maths and science。

  A。 interest B。 am interesting C。 am interested D。 am interested in

  ( )87。 linda will look after the children _____ we’re away。

  A。 that B。 during C。 while D。 where

  ( )88。 David was born _____。

  A.since twenty years ago B.for twenty years C.twenty years ago D.just over twenty years

  ( )89.Mike _____ his homework three hours ago。

  A。 finished B。 has finished C。 is finishing D。 is going to finish

  ( )90。--____ have you been at this factory? --I‘ve been here since 1993。

  A.When B.How long C.What time D.How often

  ( )91.Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces。

  A。 as B。 to C。 into D。 in

  ( )92.When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas。

  A。 try B。 trying C。 taking D。 tried

  ( )93Were you born ______May 21,1974?

  A。 in B。 on C。 from D。 at

  ( )94.It’s very kind ____ you _____lend your bike to me。

  A。 of, to B。 for, in C。 for, to D。 of, in

  ( )95.I have two pens。 One is red, ________ is black。

  A。 other B。 another C。 the other D。 the others

  ( )96。“ ______ do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month。”

  A。 How long B。 How much C。 How far D。 How often

  ( )97.He asked who was _______ in your class。

  A。 the oldest B。 oldest C。 older D。 the older

  ( )98.The teacher told us ______ Exercise 1 in our exercise books。

  A。 do B。 to do C。 doing D。 does

  ( )99.I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well。

  A。 what B。 it C。 that D。 this

  ( )100.I‘ m ______ to trouble you。

  A。 glad B。 afraid C。 fear D。 sorry


  51-55 CDCDB 56-60 BABAB61-65 BDDDC 66-70 CBBBB 71-75 AACBD 76-80 CCDAB81-85CDDBD 86-90 CCCAB 91-95 CDBAC 96-100 DABBD

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